Studying will help you accomplish two goals: understanding and remembering. While memory is a necessary tool for learning, what’s most important is that you study to develop a deep understanding of course information. When you really comprehend what you are learning, you will be able to place names, dates, and specific facts in context. You will also be able to exercise your critical-thinking abilities.

Here are some methods that might be useful when you’re trying to remember detailed information:

Work Together
One way to enhance your memory is to study with others. Each of you can check specific facts and details and share the strategies you use to remember them. You can also motivate and support one another.
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As you learned in this chapter, memory and concentration play very important roles in achieving success in college because they help you understand, remember, and deeply learn the material so that you can apply that learning to your career and life.

Work Together

Is It Worth the Time and Effort to Get Organized?

With a small group of your classmates, share how organized you are in your living space and on your computer. Is your living space more or less organized than your laptop, desktop, or iPad? Do group members think that being organized is important? How does being disorganized affect time management? Work with your peer leader to come up with strategies to be more organized. Keep track of the initial time you spend getting organized, and the time you save over a two- or three-week period by being more organized.