Chapter 2: Self-Assessment Quiz

For each statement, please mark how much you agree or disagree with that statement.

1. I plan ahead using a planner or calendar app.

2. I hand my work in on time.

3. I am an independent person who needs little to no direction.

4. School is always my first priority; everything else I do is based on my school schedule.

5. I am not a procrastinator.

6. I have strong organizational skills.

7. I have a to-do list that I update on a regular basis.

8. I am good at avoiding distractions.

9. I am good at balancing my time among college, work, family and friends, and social activities.

You responded that you “strongly disagree” to all or the majority of statements.

This indicates that this topic may be particularly difficult for you. Since you may find most of the material new, start by looking at the outline of topics (or by flipping through all the pages in order to read the headings); these are the main ideas that you need to learn more about. Read the whole chapter, and try to summarize each section in your own words. If you need additional help, seek out resources on your campus that can help you with this subject.

You responded that you “disagree” to all or the majority of statements.

This indicates that this topic may be particularly difficult for you. Since you may find most of the material new, start by looking at the outline of topics (or by flipping through all the pages in order to read the headings); these are the main ideas that you need to learn more about. Read the whole chapter, and try to summarize each section in your own words. If you need additional help, seek out resources on your campus that can help you with this subject.

You responded that you “mildly disagree” to all or the majority of statements.

This indicates that you could benefit from further study of this topic. When you read this chapter, take extra time going over the topics in the chapter that pertain to those statements you disagreed with, since this could be an indication you are having difficulties in this area. Additional information on these topics may help you get over any obstacles.

You responded that you “strongly agree” to all or the majority of statements.

This indicates that you are very familiar with this topic. When you read this chapter, predict what each section is about before you read the details. Then, make a note of details you didn’t predict so that you can talk with your class about how this chapter furthered your understanding. By checking your predictions, you’ll stay engaged as a reader and be prepared to share specific details from the chapter with your class.

You responded that you “agree” to all or the majority of statements.

This indicates that you are very familiar with this topic. When you read this chapter, predict what each section is about before you read the details. Then, make a note of details you didn’t predict so that you can talk with your class about how this chapter furthered your understanding. By checking your predictions, you’ll stay engaged as a reader and be prepared to share specific details from the chapter with your class.

You chose responses of multiple types.

This indicates you are more prepared in some areas of this topic than others. In order to interpret your results, consider the following:

Responding to a statement with “strongly disagree” and “disagree” indicates that this topic may be particularly difficult for you. Read the whole chapter, and try to summarize each section in your own words. If you need additional help, seek out resources on your campus that can help you with this subject.

Responding to a statement with “mildly disagree” indicates that you could benefit from further study of this topic. When you read this chapter, take extra time going over the topics in the chapter that pertain to those statements you disagreed with, since this could be an indication you are having difficulties in this area. Additional information on these topics may help you get over any obstacles.

Responding to a statement with “strongly agree” and “agree” indicates that you are very familiar with this topic. When you read this chapter, predict what each section is about before you read the details. Then, make a note of details you didn’t predict so that you can talk with your class about how this chapter furthered your understanding. By checking your predictions, you’ll stay engaged as a reader and be prepared to share specific details from the chapter with your class.

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