Chapter 4: Case Study Quiz

Read the case study below and choose the best possible answer to the following questions.

Rita has recently returned to college and started taking night classes. After high school, she started working full-time in a law firm to make money, gain experience, and see if she would be interested in pursuing law school. She works full-time during the day and lives at home with her parents. Rita’s night classes are long, and she is usually very tired from her workday when she gets to class. All Rita can seem to do is sit back in her lectures and take notes. She feels too tired to ask questions and participate in class activities. She knows that class participation counts for 20 percent of her grade in one class. Rita knows she can pass the class with at least a C by doing this, but it is not her best effort. She is trying to get good grades now so that when she applies to law school, she will have a competitive GPA. Rita wants to get A’s in her classes.

1 of 3

What is NOT one of Rita’s challenges in this situation?


Chapter 4 Case Study, 1 of 3: What is NOT one of Rita’s challenges in this situation?

2 of 3

What strategies should Rita NOT use in the classroom?


Chapter 4 Case Study, 2 of 3: What strategies should Rita NOT use in the classroom?

3 of 3

Which strategy outside the classroom would you suggest for Rita?


Chapter 4 Case Study, 3 of 3: Which strategy outside the classroom would you suggest for Rita?