Time Is Valuable

Think of the last time you made an appointment with someone who either forgot the appointment entirely or was very late. How did you feel? Were you upset or disappointed because the person wasted your time? Most of us have experienced the frustration of having someone else disrespect our time. In college, if you repeatedly arrive late for class or leave early, you are breaking the basic rules of politeness and showing a lack of respect for your instructors and your classmates.

Getting from Here to There
Unless you have a limo at your disposal, you’ll have to plan your transportation carefully to be on time.
Source: Alan Chapman/Film Magic/Getty Images

Punctuality or being on time is expected in college, work, and elsewhere in our society. Being strictly on time may be a difficult adjustment for you if you grew up in a home or culture that is more flexible in its approach to time, but it is important to recognize the value of punctuality. Although you should not have to alter your cultural identity to succeed in college, you must be aware of the expectations that instructors typically have for students.

Here are a few basic guidelines for respectful behavior in class and in other interactions with instructors:

Not only is time management important for you, but it is also a way in which you show respect for your coworkers, friends, family, and college instructors, and yourself.



List your current priorities in order of importance. What does your list say about you and your values? Why do you consider some things more important? Less important? As you review your list, have you put any items in the wrong place? What should you change, and why? To complete this activity, download a copy here.

Most Important Important Less Important Not Important
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5.