Learning new material takes a lot of effort on your part. You must concentrate on what you hear and read. This might sound simple, but considering all the responsibilities that college students are balancing, the opportunity to concentrate and to really focus on what you’re learning and studying can be hard to come by. Understanding how to maximize your ability to concentrate through what you do and where you do it is a good place to start.
Attending college is a huge responsibility, one you shouldn’t take lightly. It is a lot of work, but it also offers you a lot of opportunities. For most people, college is a pathway to a better, more fulfilling life. As a college-level learner, you may need to change old habits and make room for new habits that will lead you to success. Tough choices are never easy, but they will have a direct, positive impact on your ability to remember and learn the information you will need in the months and years ahead.
Making a few changes in your behavior and in your environment will allow you to concentrate better and remember longer. With concentration, you’ll probably need fewer hours to study because you will be using your time more efficiently. What are you willing to do to make this happen? To find out, work through the exercise in Figure 6.1.
With these realities in mind, what did you learn about yourself from answering the questions in Figure 6.1 Think especially about the questions to which you answered no. What are you unwilling to change in your life? Your job? Your family responsibilities? Making changes in behavior now will save you a lot of headaches in the future and will show that you can change old patterns to create successful new habits.