Improving Your Memory


Just as you can use strategies for improving your ability to concentrate, you can improve your ability to store information in your brain for future use. Psychologists and learning specialists have developed a number of strategies you can use when studying. Some of these strategies might be new to you, but others will be familiar.

Have you ever had to memorize a speech or lines from a play? How you remember the lines might depend on your learning style. If you’re an aural learner, you might decide to record your lines along with those of other characters and listen to them on tape. If you’re a visual learner, you might remember best by visualizing where your lines appear on the page in the script. If you learn best by reading, you might simply read the script over and over. If you’re a kinesthetic learner, you might need to walk or move as you read the script.

Although knowing specific words will help, remembering concepts and ideas can be much more important. To store such ideas in your mind, ask yourself these questions as you review your notes and books:

  1. What is the basic idea here?
  2. Why does the idea make sense? What is the logic behind it?
  3. How does this idea connect to other ideas in the material or experiences in my life?
  4. What are some possible arguments against the idea?

To prepare for an exam that will cover large amounts of material, you need to reduce your notes and text pages into manageable study units. Review your materials with these questions in mind: Is this one of the key ideas in the chapter or unit? Will I see this on the test? Five study tools in particular are effective to help you remember what you have learned: review sheets, mind maps, flash cards, summaries, and mnemonics.



With the help of your instructor, identify other students in your class who share your learning style. (Refer to the chapter on Discovering How You Learn.) With another classmate, discuss strategies for remembering material for exams using your learning style and list the most helpful ideas.

An Elephant (Almost) Never Forgets
While elephants apparently do have pretty good memories, they’re like the rest of us in that they sometimes forget. Work to develop your memory by using the specific strategies in this chapter. One of the most important strategies you can use is understanding the big-picture behind bits and pieces of information.
Source: © Shannon Burns