
Get Moving!
Whether it’s running, walking, or playing a sport, every student needs to get moving. What are your exercise habits? Remember that daily exercise can be a great, no-cost way to reduce stress while keeping you in good physical and mental shape.

Exercise is an excellent stress-management technique, the best way to stay fit, and an important element in effective weight-loss programs. Any kind of exercise—walking, jogging, running, swimming, biking, or using a stair climber—benefits your body and spirit and is a great choice for stress and weight management. Choose activities that you enjoy so that you look forward to your exercise time and make it a regular part of your routine. People who exercise report more energy, less stress, better sleep, healthier weight, and an improved self-image compared with people who do not exercise.

Think about ways to combine activities and use your time efficiently. Maybe you can leave your car at home and walk or ride a bike to class. If you must drive, then park at the far end of the parking lot to get in extra steps. Try going to the gym with a friend and asking each other study questions while on the treadmill. Take the stairs whenever possible.

Wear a pedometer, and aim for a certain number of steps each day. If you’re a parent, run around with your kids. Many campuses have fitness centers that offer exercise equipment and organized sports. The most important thing about exercise is that you stay active and make it part of your day-to-day life.