To find a job, whether while you are in college or after you graduate, you can apply the following job-search strategies:
Learn the names of the major employers in your college’s geographic area: manufacturers, service industries, resorts, and so on. Once you know who the major employers are, check them out, visit their Web sites. If you like what you see, visit your career center to arrange an informational interview or job-shadowing opportunity.
Visit online postings, and look at the classified ads in the local newspaper, either in print or online.
Check your college’s student newspaper. Employers who favor hiring college students (such as UPS) often advertise there. Be cautious about work opportunities that seem unrealistic, such as those offering big salaries for working at home or those that ask you to pay an up-front fee for a job. When in doubt, ask your career center for advice.
Be aware that many job openings are never posted. Employers usually prefer to hire people who are recommended to them by current employees, friends, or the person leaving the position. Realize that who you know is important. Your friends who already work on campus or who have had an internship can be the best people to help you when you are ready to search for your job.