Rate each statement about your work and study habits using the following scale:

1 = Strongly Disagree

2 = Disagree

3 = Mildly Disagree

4 = Agree

5 = Strongly Agree

____I have a habit of putting off important tasks that I don't enjoy doing.

____My standards are so high that I'm not usually satisfied enough with my work to turn it in on time.

____I spend more time planning what I'm going to do than actually doing it.

____The chaos in my study space makes it hard for me to get started.

____The people I live with distract me from doing my class work.

____I have more energy for a task if I wait until the last minute to do it.

____I enjoy the excitement of living on the edge.

____I have trouble prioritizing all my responsibilities.

____Having to meet a deadline makes me really nervous.

____My biggest problem is that I just don't know how to get started.

Now, count up how many statements you rated as 4 (“agree”) or 5 (“strongly agree”):

If you responded that you “agree” or “strongly agree” with two questions or fewer, then you may procrastinate from time to time, but it may not be a major problem for you. Reading this chapter will help you continue to stay focused and avoid procrastination in the future.

If you responded that you “agree” or “strongly agree” with three to five questions, then you may be having difficulties with procrastination. Revisit the questions to which you answered “agree” or “strongly agree” and look in this chapter for strategies that specifically address these issues to help you overcome obstacles. You can get a handle on your procrastination!

If you responded that you “agree” or “strongly agree” with six or more questions, then you may be having a significant problem with procrastination, and it could interfere with your success in college if you do not make a change. Revisit the questions to which you answered “agree” or “strongly agree” and look in this chapter for strategies that specifically address these issues. Also, if you are concerned about your pattern of procrastination and you aren't having success in dealing with it yourself, consider talking to a professional counselor in your campus counseling center. It's free and confidential, and counselors have extensive experience working with students who have problems with procrastination.