
As with any skill that you want to develop, you need to practice thinking critically in order to get good at it. Now that you are aware of what good thinking is, and isn’t, you can look for opportunities to improve.


One way to become a better critical thinker is to practice with other people. Researchers who study the thinking of elementary school students, high school students, and college students find that critical thinking and collaboration go hand in hand. Students at all levels are more likely to exercise their critical-thinking abilities when they are confronted by the experiences and opinions of others; that is why it’s so important to form and join study groups while you are in college. Having more than one student involved in the learning process generates a greater number of ideas and discussions that can challenge your thinking and assumptions, improving your critical-thinking skills. People think more clearly when they talk as well as listen, which is a very good reason to participate actively in your classes. Creative brainstorming and group discussion encourage original thought. These habits also teach participants to consider alternative points of view carefully and to express and defend their own ideas clearly. As a group negotiates ideas and learns to agree on the most reliable concepts, it moves closer to a conclusive solution.

Both in college and in careers, you will find that collaborationnot only with people in your work setting but also with others around the globeis essential to almost any career you may choose. Whether in person or through digital communication, teamwork improves your ability to think critically.



Make a list of the ways you can form a successful study group. Compare your ideas with those of several classmates to determine what makes a study group effective.

Be Creative

Get a Second Opinion and a Third One way to become a better critical thinker is to practice with other people. By getting feedback from others, you can see the possible problems in your own position or approach. Whether debating an issue in a political science class or making a gown in a fashion design course, appreciate how people bring their own life experiences, personal taste, knowledge, and expertise to the table. Most questions do not have clear-cut answers, and there are often several ways to accomplish a task. Getting input can help improve your finished product.
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Another way to develop strong thinking skills is to take advantage of opportunities to be creative. Our society is full of creative individuals who think outside the box, challenge the usual way of doing things, or simply ask questions that others are not asking. Many have achieved fame by using their thinking skills and actions to change the world. Even a single thought can lead to major progress. As you move through your other first-year courses such as sociology, psychology, history, or math, you will encounter assignments that will encourage you to be creative. You will also learn about people who have used their creative-thinking abilities to find a sense of purpose and to become world changers in academic and nonacademic areas.

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Below are some critical thinkers of our past and present who made contributions that continue to affect our lives.

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People who make a difference in their communities, nation, or the world stay motivated; they are resilient. They don’t quit, even when they experience tough times. Can you think of religious leaders, politicians, athletes, or entrepreneurs who have maintained their motivation to achieve success? What can you learn from them about the way that resilience helps people stay motivated?

Learn to Solve Problems

Your success both in college and in your future life will depend on how well you make decisions and solve problems. Making decisions and solving problems involve thinking logically, weighing evidence, and formulating conclusions. Here are some examples of situations that you might experience in college that will require these skills:

These situations provide opportunities for you to improve your problem-solving skills. On a more personal level, the college years also represent a time in your life when you get to know yourself. You will begin to develop or change your own positions on societal and political issues, learn more about what is important to you, and develop into a contributing citizen of your country and also the world.

In college, you’ll be exposed to ideas and often-conflicting opinions about contemporary issues such as same-sex marriage, military operations, immigration, global human rights, animal rights, comprehensive sex education, food safety, the state of public education in the United States, student loan debt and loan forgiveness, and economic inequality. The list goes on and on. Before accepting any opinion on any issue as “the truth,” look for evidence that supports different positions on these debates. In fact, look for opportunities to participate in such debates. In most colleges, these opportunities are available to students.

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Think of a problem you had to solve in the past and how you were able to do it. Then with another classmate or in a small group, share your problems and solutions.