For some people, the reason for attending college is to get a good job. For others, the reason is to fulfill the dream of getting a college education. For many students who are first in their families to attend college, it’s both. Getting a degree, whether associate’s or bachelor’s, or completing a certificate program, helps students qualify for better jobs or prepares them to continue their studies at a four-year college or university or in a graduate or professional program. Higher education, in and of itself, improves critical-thinking and problem-solving skills and changes a person’s societal status to a college-educated individual.
Over the past few years, the global economy has experienced extreme ups and downs. Economic uncertainty is a reality, and although earning a college degree is one of the best ways you can increase your chances of gaining employment, it is important to make decisions about your major and career path based on information about yourself and the long-term demands of the job market.
Discuss with another student how the current economy affects your thinking about your future career.
Characteristics of Today’s Economy
The following characteristics define today’s economy:
Global. Many corporations are multinational; they look for cheap labor, capital, and resources both within and outside the United States. College graduates in the United States now compete for jobs with others around the world, particularly in industries that involve the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Unstable. Economic instability is troubling, but having a college education gives you a great advantage over those without degrees. Attending college to earn a degree or certificate in a relatively short time allows you flexibility in an uncertain job market.
Innovative. The economy has always depended on creativity to generate consumer interest in new products and services around the world. The United States, as a leader in industry innovation, needs college graduates who possess creativity and imagination and a desire to move forward.
Without boundaries. In almost every organization, teams need to work together. You might be an accountant and find yourself working with the public relations division of your company, or you might be a nurse who does staff training. The ability to work outside traditional boundaries while expanding your skills, abilities, and knowledge will be essential to your professional success.
Ever changing. Nowadays, new jobs in nearly all industries will demand more education and training. As you previously learned in this book, the most important skill you need to learn in college is how to keep learning throughout your life. To give yourself the best chance at avoiding a negative employment situation, it’s important to adapt your skills to the job market that exists. Doing so requires flexibility and the desire to continue to develop yourself.
Social. In a recent survey, employers were asked which attributes they look for on an applicant’s résumé. In this world of increasing technology advancements, the biggest group of respondents chose both “leadership” and “the ability to work in a team structure.” These skills/qualities are followed by “written communication skills,” “problem-solving skills,” “strong work ethic,” and “analytical/quantitative skills.”1
These characteristics of the economy—global, unstable, innovative, without boundaries, ever changing, and social—should provide a roadmap for you as you make decisions throughout your college experience.
Building the Right Mindset for the Future
Even after you have landed a job, you will be expected to continue learning and developing yourself. Whether you are preparing to enter a career for the first time or to change careers after many years on the job, keep the following in mind:
A college degree does not guarantee employment. Consider what it will be like competing with hundreds of other college graduates earning the same degree as you and graduating at the same time! With a college degree, however, more opportunities will be available, financially and otherwise, than if you did not have a degree. For those who start an associate’s degree and complete it, the reward is considerable. If you transfer to a four-year college or university after you graduate with your associate’s degree, the payoff is even greater. Just because you want to work for a certain organization or in a certain field, though, doesn’t mean that a job will always be available for you there.
You are more or less solely responsible for your career. Career development is a lifelong process, controlled only by you! Students who realize they are responsible for managing their careers actively throughout their lifetime will be more successful and more satisfied than those who think someone else will come along to manage things for them.
To advance your career, you must accept the risks that accompany employment and plan for the future. As organizations grow or downsize in response to economic conditions, you must do your best to prepare for the unexpected. As we have stated at several points in this book, perhaps the most vital skill you can gain in college is learning how to learn. Lifelong learning will help keep you employable and can provide you with many opportunities regardless of the economy.
Career choice is not permanent. College students often view the choice of a career as a big and permanent decision. This is not correct. A career is based on your professional development decisions over a lifetime. In fact, many students with jobs attend college (often after completing a B.A. degree or even an advanced degree) to change their careers because of professional or personal reasons. There is no one right occupation just waiting to be discovered. Rather, there are many career choices you might find satisfying. The question to consider is this: What is the best choice for me now?
Now the good news: Hundreds of thousands of graduates find jobs every year, even in difficult economic times. It might take them longer to get where they want to be, but persistence pays off. If you start preparing now and continue to do so while in college, you’ll have time to build a portfolio of academic and other learning experiences (e.g., on-campus clubs and groups, cooperative [co-op] programs, internships, work-study jobs) that will begin to add to your career profile.
Ask another student about his or her career goals. Why has she or he chosen that career path? Does that person seem passionate about this career? Why or why not?