Below are suggestions for resources that are available at many colleges and the online resources that are available to everyone.
VISIT . . . | IF YOU NEED HELP . . . |
Counseling Center | thinking and talking about problems you are having with motivation or managing your emotions. It is normal to seek such assistance. This kind of counseling is strictly confidential (unless you are a threat to yourself or others) and usually is provided at no charge, which is a great benefit. |
Library | finding books and articles about motivation, resilience, or emotional intelligence. |
GO TO . . . | IF YOU NEED HELP . . . |
TED: ted.com/ |
getting motivated. Search TED talks for topics like motivation, failure, and resilience for inspiring talks such as this one: ted.com/ |
Mindtools.com: mindtools.com/ |
testing your emotional intelligence skills. |
Sivers.org: sivers.org/ |
finding additional perspectives on mindsets. |
About.com: psychology.about.com/ |
exploring theories of motivation. |
What are some of your college's specific resources? Make a list of the unique resources available at your school. Have you taken advantage of any of them?