Mapping out your schedule is easy. Think of your calendar as a compass. It’s a guide for navigating your current term that will also keep you pointed toward your long-term goals.
You keep forgetting assignments and can’t find your paper calendar.
Replace the paper calendar with a free electronic calendar or phone app.
Pick one of the following:
Google calendar (
It’s free, it syncs with every type of device, and it is connected with a free Gmail account that includes document creation and storage software. With this Web application, you can input assignment deadlines and reminders, sync with group members’ calendars during group projects, and even manage your social life by loading Facebook events.
iStudiez Pro app for Mac, iPhone, and iPad (
Rated the Best College Student App for 2011, iStudiez allows you to sync the following information across devices: a daily schedule, your calendar by term, assignments, grades, and instructor information.
Studious for Android (
If you own an Android device and want to ditch your paper planner, try out Studious. It is an all-in-one app for tracking your schedule, including upcoming homework deadlines, and can also be used for taking and managing notes. Best of all, it’s free.
Then, take these steps: