As you were reading the tips for improving your performance on exams and tests, were you surprised to see different tips for various subjects, such as math and science, and for different kinds of questions, such as multiple-choice and essay? What did you find to be the most useful information in this chapter? What material was unclear to you?
Do you consider yourself to be a good test taker or a poor one? Why? Do you experience test anxiety? If you do, what might be the reasons? What did you learn in this chapter that either explains your inability to relax while taking tests or can help you relax and improve your test grades?
Identify an upcoming test or exam. What time of day is it scheduled, and what type of test will it be? What strategies have you read in this chapter that will help you prepare for and take this test?
What course do you find most difficult? If you are anxious about taking tests in this class, what positive self-messages can you use to help yourself stay focused?