Below are suggestions for resources that are available at many colleges and the online resources that are available to everyone.
VISIT . . . | IF YOU NEED HELP . . . |
Your instructors | understanding expectations for any writing assignment. Talk to your instructor after class, drop by during office hours, or make a one-on-one appointment. |
College Library | working on an assignment. Check out the library website or ask about a calendar of upcoming events. Many libraries have drop-in classes or workshops to help you learn specific skills. Head over to the reference desk and talk with a librarian about the assignment you are working on. |
Writing Center | finding effective writing and research tools and writing or revising your paper. |
Specialized Collections | finding information specific to your major. Check the main library’s website for any specialized libraries or collections such as a biology or nursing collection. Make it a point to visit all of them. |
Technology Support Center | dealing with a computer crisis. Everyone deals with their computer crashing at some point. It seems that disaster may strike right before a major paper is due. Prepare yourself! Check out your school’s technology support services before you need them. Attend an orientation, chat with help-desk staff, and review their website so you know where to go when you’re in crisis mode. |
Departments of Speech and Communications | finding resources and specific courses to help you develop your speaking skills. |
Student Activities | learning and practicing speaking skills. When you become active in student organizations, especially those like the student government association and the debate club, you will have many opportunities for speaking in front of a group. |
GO TO . . . | IF YOU NEED HELP . . . |
The University of Iowa’s History Department, which offers tips on common writing mistakes: |
finding writing tips. |
Toastmasters International: |
finding speaking tips. |
Purdue University’s online writing lab MLA: |
using MLA citation style. |
Purdue University’s online writing lab APA: |
using APA citation style. |
American Psychological Association: |
with answers to the frequently asked questions about APA style. |
What are some of your college's specific resources? Make a list of the unique resources available at your school. Have you taken advantage of any of them?