To help you meet the challenges of engaging and retaining today’s students, we have created a complete package of support materials:
LaunchPad for Understanding Your College Experience. LaunchPad combines an interactive e-book with high-quality multimedia content and ready-made assessment options, including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. Pre-built units are easy to assign or adapt with your own material, such as readings, videos, quizzes, discussion groups, and more. LaunchPad also provides access to a grade book that tracks performance for your whole class, for individual students, and for individual assignments.
Unique to LaunchPad: LearningCurve for College Success. LearningCurve for College Success is an online, adaptive, self-quizzing program that quickly learns what students already know and helps them practice what they haven’t yet mastered. LearningCurve motivates students to engage with key concepts before they come to class so that they are ready to participate; it also offers reporting tools to help you discern your students’ needs. An updated version of LearningCurve available with LaunchPad for Understanding Your College Experience features a larger question pool with new multiple-choice questions and new questions on motivation, mindset, and resilience.
Ordering information. LaunchPad for Understanding Your College Experience is available to package at a significant discount. To package the paper text with LaunchPad, use ISBN 978-1-319-10213-5. To package the loose-leaf edition with LaunchPad, use ISBN 978-1-319-10217-3. To order LaunchPad standalone, use ISBN 978-1-319-06430-3.
The Academic and Career Excellence System (ACES). This instrument measures student strengths in twelve critical areas and prompts students to reflect on their habits, behaviors, attitudes, and skills. Norm-referenced reports indicate whether students are at a high, moderate, or low skill level in particular areas. For more information, go to
Instructor’s Annotated Edition. A valuable tool for new and experienced instructors alike, the Instructor’s Annotated Edition includes the full text of the student edition with abundant marginal annotations, chapter-specific exercises, and helpful suggestions for teaching, fully updated and revised by the authors. The author-written instructor annotations are organized into several categories: Retention strategies help students persist in the first year. New Online Learning annotations provide special guidance for instructors teaching in the online environment. New Motivation annotations offer ideas to keep students motivated about the content being covered. In Class annotations provide activities for students to do alone or in groups in the classroom setting. Outside Class annotations offer ideas and specific assignments for students to do between class meetings. FYI annotations provide additional bits of information or inspiration related to the narrative.
In addition, an Active Learning Strategies insert at the beginning of the IAE includes chapter-specific exercises and activities designed as retention strategies to support writing, critical thinking, working in groups, planning, reflecting, and taking action.
Instructor’s Manual. The Instructor’s Manual includes chapter objectives, teaching suggestions, an introduction to the first-year experience course, a sample lesson plan for each chapter, sample syllabi, final projects for the end of the course, and various case studies that are relevant to the topics covered in the text. The Instructor’s Manual is available online.
Computerized Test Bank. The Computerized Test Bank contains more than 700 multiple-choice, true/false, short-answer, and essay questions designed to assess students’ understanding of key concepts. This edition features over 150 new questions and more challenging scenario-based questions that ask students to apply their understanding to concepts in the text. An answer key is included. A digital text file is also available.
Lecture Slides. Available online for download, lecture slides accompany each chapter of the book and include key concepts and art from the text. Use the slides as provided to structure your lectures, or customize them as desired to fit your course’s needs.
French Fries Are Not Vegetables. This comprehensive instructional DVD features multiple resources for class and professional use. This video is also available with our LaunchPads. ISBN 978-0-312-65073-5.
Curriculum Solutions. Our new Curriculum Solutions group brings together the quality and reputation of Bedford/St. Martin’s content with Hayden-McNeil’s expertise in publishing original custom print and digital products. With our new capabilities, we are excited to deliver customized course solutions at an affordable price. Make Understanding Your College Experience, Second Edition, fit your course and goals by integrating your own institutional materials, by including only the parts of the text you intend to use in your course, or both. Please contact your local Macmillan Learning sales representative for more information and to see samples.
CS Select custom database. The CS Select database allows you to create a textbook for your college success course that reflects your course objectives and uses just the content you need. Start with one of our core texts, then rearrange chapters, delete chapters, and insert additional content—including your own original content—to create just the book you’re looking for. Get started by visiting
TradeUp. Bring more value and choice to your students’ first-year experience by packaging Understanding Your College Experience, Second Edition, with one of a thousand titles from Macmillan publishers at a 50 percent discount from the regular price. Contact your local Macmillan Learning sales representative for more information.