Special thanks to the reviewers who helped develop Understanding Your College Experience, Second Edition.

Lois Andre, Cape Cod Community College

Laura Bowen, Athens Technical College

Andrea Dance, College of the Abermarle

Rebecca Davis, Hudson County Community College

Sheryl Duquette, Erie Community College

Maryann Errico, Georgia Perimeter College

Linda Gannon, College of Southern Nevada

Paula Hood, Coastal Carolina Community College

Jennifer Graham, Northern Maine Community College

John Kester, Richmond Community College

Edwin Kroll, Kalamazoo Valley Community College

Sheila Lau, Diablo Valley College

Priscilla MacDuff, Suffolk County Community College

Martha Madigan, Lansing Community College

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Malinda Mansfield, Ivy Tech Community College

Melissa Nicholas, Florida Keys Community College

Casey Reid, East Central College

Hailey Sheets, Southwestern Michigan College

Eric-Gene Shrewsbury, Patrick Henry Community College

Betty Taylor, Cleveland Community College

Kim Thomas, Polk State College

Carol Warren, Georgia Perimeter College

Rhonda Wilkins, Georgia Perimeter College

Christi Young, Southwestern Michigan College

Yingfan Zhang, Suffolk County Community College

In addition, we want to thank Mark Hendrix, formerly of Palm Beach State College, for his contributions to the Tech Tip features.

We continue to be grateful to the reviewers from the first edition, as they helped to shape the text you see today.

First Edition: Torris Anderson, Jr., Ocean County College; Cynthia Armster, City Colleges of Chicago; Sherry Ash, San Jacinto College-Central; Diego Baez, Harry S. Truman College; Beverly Brucks, Illinois Central College; Richard Conway, Nassau Community College; David Ferreira, Broward College; Maria Galyon, Jefferson Community and Technical College; Jo Ann Jenkins, Moraine Valley Community College; Jill Loveless, Mohave Community College; Gail Malone, South Plains College; Patrick Peyer, Rock Valley College; Claudia Swicegood, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College; Susan Taylor, North Florida Community College; Kim Toby, Somerset Community College.

As we look to the future, we are excited about the numerous improvements to this text that our creative Bedford/St. Martin’s team has made and will continue to make. Special thanks to Edwin Hill, Vice President of Editorial, Humanities; Erika Gutierrez, Publisher for Communications and College Success; Simon Glick, Senior Executive Editor for College Success; Jennifer Jacobson, Development Editor of Ohlinger Publishing Services; Bethany Gordon, Associate Editor; Mary Jane Chen, Editorial Assistant; Kayti Corfield, Marketing Manager; and Erica Zhang, Assistant Production Editor. Most of all, we thank you, the users of our book, for you are the true inspirations for our work.