Part 1. Develop Your Career Story: Knowing Yourself

Develop Your Career Story: Knowing Yourself
Develop Your Career Story
Knowing Yourself
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Activity Objective:

In this chapter, you discovered more about yourself as a learner. Knowing yourself and being able to describe yourself accurately is a tremendous asset in your professional and personal life. Complete this activity to practice thinking about your strengths and your areas for growth.

Let’s get started! Click the forward and backward arrows to navigate through the slides. You may also click the above outline button to skip to certain slides.

This activity may be saved and completed at a later time. Please note that you cannot change your answers after you submit them.

Consider your strengths and shortcomings. Reflect on times you have succeeded: What was it that helped you excel during those times? Also reflect on times when you didn’t succeed or when you struggled: What was especially difficult for you, and why?

Ask two people whom you trust (and who know you well) to give an objective opinion about your three greatest strengths and three greatest shortcomings. (Send them a quick text or email!) Use their responses to fill out the chart below. Do they match up with your own self-assessment? Did you learn something new about yourself?

When you have filled in all of the blanks, the “Submit” button will appear. When you are satisfied with all of your responses, select the “Submit” button to send your responses to your instructor. (Note: You will not be able to change your responses after you select “Submit.”)

Strengths Shortcomings
Person A Person B Person A Person B

Your Answer


1. Question


One of the most common—and most dreaded—questions asked in a job interview is to describe your strengths and the areas in which you struggle (which many employers refer to as “weaknesses”). To answer this question, it’s important to understand that your strengths are assets that can help you succeed, and your weaknesses are simply areas for improvement. Practice reframing your strengths as assets and your weaknesses as growth areas by filling in the prompts below. Sample responses are provided for each prompt.

EXAMPLE #1: My strengths include communicating, being resourceful, and showing enthusiasm. I use these strengths to be successful by clearly communicating with teammates, finding ways to make projects work with limited budgets, and drawing on my desire to succeed to motivate a group despite any obstacles.

EXAMPLE #2: The challenges I’m currently working on include delegating tasks to others and being too critical of myself. I’m taking the following steps to change and grow in these areas: I’m creating work plans for every major project that require me to delegate tasks to teammates, and I’m taking time out each day to celebrate my achievements.

When you have filled in all of the blanks, the “Submit” button will appear. When you are satisfied with all of your responses, select the “Submit” button to send your responses to your instructor. (Note: You will not be able to change your responses after you select “Submit.”)

  1. My strengths include . I use these strengths to be successful by .
  2. The challenges I’m currently working on include . I’m taking the following steps to change and grow in these areas: .

Your Answer


2. Question


Thank you for completing this activity! Please click here to print or save a summary of your responses: