Part 1. Develop Your Career Story: Staying Engaged in Learning
Activity Objective:
In this chapter, you read about how important it is to stay engaged in learning while you pursue your college education. This is also a helpful mindset to keep when entering your chosen career field. Staying informed about and engaged in the latest trends in your profession will make you a valuable asset to any employer. One way to stay current is to be a member of a professional organization in your field. Complete this activity to envision what it would be like to join one of these organizations yourself.
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This activity may be saved and completed at a later time. Please note that you cannot change your answers after you submit them.
- Google “professional organizations for [your career]” and visit two of the websites listed to learn more about what each organization does.
- On each website, look for information about how to become a member (the qualifications needed to join), the benefits of membership, events that the organization hosts, and the cost of attending these events. Look over the rest of the page and note any information that interests you.
- Complete the prompts below for one of the organizations you researched. An example is provided.
EXAMPLE: CompTIA Association of IT Professionals is an organization for information technology professionals, students, and educators. As a member of this organization, I will benefit by strengthening my technical knowledge, building a professional network, and keeping current on technology and business trends.
When you have filled in all of the blanks, the “Submit” button will appear. When you are satisfied with all of your responses, select the “Submit” button to send your responses to your instructor. (Note: You will not be able to change your responses after you select “Submit.”)
Your Answer
1. Question
Story Builder
Now, use what you’ve learned on the previous slide to continue crafting your career story. Imagine that you are in a job interview and the interviewer asks you this popular question: “What are you doing to stay current in your field?” Assuming that you are working in your field of choice and are a member of one of the organizations you researched, answer the questions below about how you are growing, evolving, and learning.
When you have filled in all of the blanks, the “Submit” button will appear. When you are satisfied with all of your responses, select the “Submit” button to send your responses to your instructor. (Note: You will not be able to change your responses after you select “Submit.”)
- Being a member of allows me to stay current in my field.
- I have built a professional network of peers who can aid me by .
- I look forward to attending [name of a professional meeting, conference, or workshop] , where I can learn about , a topic related to my field.
- Being a member of a professional organization is important for me because .
Your Answer
2. Question
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