Chapter 1. Conversation Starter: Learning Preferences
Conversation Starter: Learning Preferences
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in
After watching the video, consider the questions below. Provide your responses in the textboxes, then click "submit."
1. How do you think you would do in an online course (or, in the future, in a virtual learning environment)? Next, note which learning preferences (visual, aural, kinesthetic, etc.) you think would be stimulated the most by this type of learning.
2. Vanessa says she is more visual and kinesthetic. What do you think are Louis's learning preferences? Why?
3. Louis says he is a "lumper" because he can see big picture similarities among Inca and Mayan art. Are you a "splitter" or a "lumper"? Why? How might such a categorization inform a student's college work?