biopsychosocial approach - framework to understand abnormal behavior, considers psychopathology as pattern of behavior with biological, psychological, and social cause
B = f (P + E + PE) – equation that illustrates how to think about behavior, where:
B = the behavior of the person with a disorder, and
P = internal factors pertaining to the person, and
E = external factors pertaining to the environment, and
PE = the complex interaction of person and environment.
diathesis-stress model – mechanism for explaining how psychological disorders can develop, wherein both the diathesis and the stress are necessary in the development of a disorder
etiology - the origin or cause (of abnormal behavior)
demonology – ancient belief that individuals with psychopathologies were possessed by evil spirits or demons
medical model – biological approach to psychological problems, considers psychpathology as disease with specific etiology, symptoms, and prognosis
symptoms - common set of behavioral indicators
prognosis – predictable course over time
predisposition – biological and/or psychological factors that increase a person’s chance of developing a disorder
stressor – stressful life experience or event