17.1 Subject Index

abuse. See also violence

workplace, 406–7, 411–14

acceptance, in romantic relationships, 301–2


conflict management by, 257

defined, 257

action, speech acts, 187–88

action-oriented listeners, 160–61, 163, 193–94

active listening

defined, 147

developing. See listening improvement

in supportive communication, 137

actor-observer effect, 81

adaptors, 220

advice, in supportive communication, 137

advocacy, mixed-status relationships, 400–401

agape, 284


elderly and friendships, 358

and happiness, 116

and passionate feelings, 283

agentic friendships, 357–58

aggression. See also anger; violence

aggressive-hostile touch, 224

aggressive listening, 167, 170

verbal aggression, 200–201

agreeableness, trait of, 90–91, 121

algebraic impressions, 95–96

analysis, and listening, 159


chronic hostility, 131, 200–201

communicating with eyes, 219

and defensive communication, 198–200

defined, 129

emotional experience of, 129–31

managing, 130–32, 138

as primary emotion, 115


attachment anxiety, 47–48

communication apprehension, 198

apologies, to maintain face, 54

appearance, physical. See physical appearance

appreciation, and listening, 159


competent communication, 22–23

defined, 22

incompetent communication, 22–23

Arthur (TV series), 89–90


defined, 218, 229–30

nonverbal communication through, 229–30

workplace, 389

Asian Americans, model minority myth, 403


in family relationships, 335

in peer relationships, 398

in romantic relationships, 301

asynchronous communication, 128


and relationships later in life, 47–48

romantic relationships, 282, 295

style, self-quiz, 61

styles of, 47–48


improving, guidelines for, 150–51

in listening process, 149–51, 164–65

mental bracketing, 151

of others, nonverbal management of, 233

and perception, 76

attention focus, 126

attire, nonverbal communication through, 228–29

attitudes, defined, 40


between friends, 376–77

romantic, factors in, 288–92

attributions, 79–82

actor-observer effect, 81

checking, for competent communication, 82

defined, 79

fundamental attribution error, 81

internal and external, 80

and online communication, 81–82

self-serving bias, 82

authoritarian cultures, high power-distance, 252

authoritarian parenting, 243–44


versus connection dialectic, 336–38

helicopter parents, 338


conflict management by, 255–56, 266

relationship breakup, 297

back-channel cues, 153

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Chua), 243–44, 275

beautiful-is-good effect, 290

Beaver family, 209–10, 239

beliefs, defined, 40

best friends, 361–63


and friendship, 371–73

managing, questions for, 373

and romantic relationships, 307–10

bias. See also stereotyping

interpersonal impressions, 94–95

perceptual. See perceptual bias

Big Five personality traits, 90–91, 120–21

birds-of-a-feather effect, 290

birth stories, family, 328

bizarreness effect, 157

Black Swan (film), 161

blended emotions, 116–17

blended family. See stepfamilies

blogs, comments, caution about, 57

body language. See kinesics


attachment, 46–48

romantic relationships, 295

boundaries, and friendship, 370–71


gender differences, 86

and language, 185

plasticity of, 150–51

breaking up, romantic relationships, 296–98

Bridesmaids (film), 96


and verbal aggression, 200

in workplace, 407–9

catharsis, 131

channels in communication

defined, 7

in nonverbal communication, 212

the chilling effect, 270


and friendship, 355–56

and workplace relationships, 387, 398


and culture, 227–28

defined, 218, 226

M-time orientation, 226–28

nonverbal communication through, 226–28

P-time orientation, 227–28

Self-Quiz, 227

chronic hostility

Self-Quiz, 131

and verbal aggression, 200

circumscribing stage, relationship breakup, 297


active listening, clarifying in, 154–55

in cooperative verbal communication, 193

cliques, workplace, 391

clothing, nonverbal communication through, 228–29

cohabiting couples, 326


conflict management by, 258–60, 267

in transactional communication, 10

workplace communication, 392

collectivistic cultures

conflict management, 260–62

features of, 51

group decisions in, 261

listening styles, 164

collegial peers, 396–98

commitment, and romantic relationships, 287

communal friendships, 357


channels in, 7

contexts of, 7

defined, 6

elements of, 5–7

interpersonal. See interpersonal communication

messages in, 6, 8

models of, 8–10

in relationships. See relationships

skills. See interpersonal communication competence

supportive, 136–37

communication accommodation theory, 196–97

communication apprehension, 198

communication models

interactive, 9, 10

linear, 8, 10

transactional, 9–10

communication plans, 198

Communication Privacy Management Theory, 339–40

communication research, 19–20

hypotheses in, 20

and knowledge, 19–20

qualitative, 20

quantitative, 20

theory in, 19–20

communication rules, in families, 324

communication skills

competent. See interpersonal communication competence

defined, 22

lack of. See interpersonal communication competence problems

communication studies. See communication research, cross-cultural view, 29

companionate love, 284

competent communication. See interpersonal communication competence

competition, conflict management by, 257–58

complementary relationships, 249

compliments, mixed-status relationships, 404–5

comprehension, and listening, 158–59

compromise, conflict management by, 265

concern, empathic, 99–100, 129

conferences, online meetings, 393–94


and attachment style, 48

basic causes of, 247–48

and communication problems, 197–204

dirty secrets, 268–69

dynamics of, 247

and friendship, 357

and incompatible goals, 246

interparental conflict, 348

kitchen-sinking, 247

misunderstandings, 193–94

overcoming. See conflict management

and perception, 246

and power, 248–54, 250

as process, 246–47

pseudo-conflict, 256

romantic relationships, 296–98, 307–16

self-enhancing thoughts, 267–68

Self-Quiz, 32

serial arguments, 269–70

sudden-death statements, 268–69

unsolvable, 271, 274

and violence, 270–71

workplace abuse, 406–7, 411–14

conflict management

accommodation, 257

avoidance, 255–56, 266

barriers to, 267–74

the chilling effect, 270

collaboration, 258–60, 267

competition, 257–58

compromise, 265

and culture, 260–62

demand-withdraw pattern, 270

domination as, 264–65

and gender, 260–62

integrative agreements, 265–66

long-term resolutions, 266–67

and online communication, 262–63

and power, 252, 258

reactivity, 258, 267

in relationships, 248

Self-Quiz, 256

separation as, 264

short-term resolutions, 264–66

structural improvements, 266

conformity-oriented family, 330–33

connotative meaning, 184

conscientiousness, trait of, 90–91

consensual families, 332

constitutive rules, of language, 179, 182

content information, elements of, 14–15

content-oriented listeners, 161, 163, 164

contexts of communication, 7

control messages, 199

conversation-oriented family, 330–33

conversations, characteristics of, 188–89

Cooperative Principle, 192–94

cooperative verbal communication, 191–97

barriers to. See interpersonal communication problems

clear language in, 193

communication accommodation theory, 196–97

Cooperative Principle, 192–94

and culture, 196–97

defined, 191

and gender, 195–96

and honesty, 193, 201, 204

information, giving in, 192–93

“I” versus “you” language, 194

misunderstandings, avoiding, 78, 191, 193

relevance in, 193

rules of language, understanding of, 179

“we” language, 195

courtship stories, family, 327–28

Credo for Ethical Communication, 24

critical self-reflection, 40

criticism, mixed-status relationships, 404–5

cross-cultural view. See also Focus on Culture

communication across cultures. See intercultural competence

conflict management, 260–62

cooperative verbal communication, 196–97

emotional displays, 117, 119–20

friendship, 359–60, 365–66

happiness, 116

haptics, 224

interpersonal communication study, 29

listening, 163–64, 181

misleading information, giving, 204

nonverbal communication, 213–14, 238–39

passionate love, 283

perception, 82–86

power, 251–53

power-distance, 252–53

proxemics, 214, 224, 226

self-disclosure, 64, 68

sense of self, 50–51

sexual infidelity, 310

time-orientation, 227–28

verbal communication, 180–81

culture. See also cross-cultural view; Focus on Culture

collectivistic, 50–51, 164, 260–62

communication competence, improving. See intercultural competence

defined, 27, 50, 84

high- and low-context, 181

high and low power-distance, 252

individualistic, 50, 164, 260–62

and interpersonal communication, 27–28

relationship to language, 180–81

cumulative annoyance, 255

currencies, power, 251

cyberbullying, 407

cyberslacking, 394–95

Dartmouth-Princeton football game, 73–74, 105

dating violence, 313, 316

deactivation, of emotions, 126

deception/lying, 201–4

as communication barrier, 201, 204

and culture, 204

defined, 201

online communication, 201, 292–93

Self-Quiz, 204

sexual infidelity, 308

defensive communication, 198–200

defending self against, 199

forms of, 199

“you” language, 194

defensive workplace climate, 392–93

demand-withdraw pattern, 270

denotative meaning, 183–84

dialects, 179–80

differentiating stage, relationship breakup, 297

dirty secrets, 268–69

discern, listening to, 159

dismissive attachment, 48

display rules, emotions, 119

disputes. See conflict


breaking up, stages of, 296–98

interethnic marriage, 304

dogmatic messages, in defensive communication, 199


conflict management by, 264–65

defined, 235

nonverbal communication of, 235

Self-Quiz, 235

downward communication, guidelines for, 402–5

dyadic communication, 11, 13


defined, 11

interpersonal communication as, 11, 17

eavesdropping, 165–67

effectiveness, in competent communication, 23

ego protection, 82

elderly, and friendships, 358


and communication situation, 25–26

and conflict management, 262–63

drafts, using, 25, 27

long-distance relationships, maintaining with, 305, 335–36, 374–75

virtual networks, 390

virtual peers, 396–97

workplace communication, 393

embarrassment, losing face, 53–54

emblems, 219

emoticons, 211, 218

emotional contagion, 113

emotional intelligence

defined, 123

Self-Quiz, 124

emotional support. See supportive communication

emotions, 111–41

affect displays, 232

anger, 115, 129–31

blended emotions, 116–17, 117

communicative nature of, 113

culture and display of, 117, 119–20

defined, 111

display rules, 119

emotional intelligence, 123–24

emotion-sharing, 113, 134–35

features of, 111–13

versus feelings and moods, 113–15

gender and display of, 65, 120

grief, 115, 134–37

joy, 115, 141

managing. See emotions management

nonverbal communication of, 232

and online communication, 127–29

passion, 132–33

personality and display of, 120–22

primary emotions, 115–16

emotions management, 122–27

anger, 130–32, 138

defined, 123

and emotional intelligence, 123

grief, 134–35

preventing emotions, 125–26

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, 121

reappraisal of emotions, 126–27

stability over life course, 122

suppression of emotions, 123, 125, 130–31

venting, 125, 131

empathy, 99–100

deficits, and online communication, 128–29

elements of, 99–100

empathic communication guidelines, 99–100

Self-Quiz, 100

in supportive communication, 137

workplace communication, 392

emphasis, online communication, 223

encounter avoidance, 125–26

encounter structuring, 126


defined, 218, 230

nonverbal communication through, 230


in friendships, 370

and romantic attraction, 291–92

workplace communication, 392

and workplace relationships, 387

eros, 284

escalation, 258

Esperanto, 179

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (film), 299

ethical communication

in competent communication, 23–24

components of, 24

in cooperative verbal communication, 193

Credo for Ethical Communication, 24

deception/lying, 201, 201–4

online communication, 201, 292–93

power factors, 250

and self-disclosure, 66

ethics, defined, 23

ethnicity, interethnic friends, 367

ethnocentrism, 101

Everybody Hates Chris (TV series), 323

experimenting stage, romantic relationships, 294

expertise currency, 251

explanations, attributions, 79–82

extended family, 326

external attributions, 80

extraversion, 90–91, 121

eye contact

and gender, 216, 219

nonverbal messages in, 219, 235

eyewitness recall accuracy, 155

face, public self as mask, 52–54

Facebook, 24–25

“friends” versus real friends, 360–61

jealousy and users, 266, 311

long-distance relationships, maintaining with, 305, 335–36, 374–75

online self, 55–57

other’s descriptions, importance of, 56–57

other’s images, impact of, 229

posts, caution about, 27

presenting self, improving, 57

wedging, 311

facial expressions

and gender, 216

nonverbal messages in, 218, 234–35

facial symmetry, 229

family, 323–49

and attachment, 47–48

autonomy versus connection dialectic, 336–38

characteristics of, 324–25

communication, improving, 335–36

communication rules, 324

conflict, coping strategies, 337–40

conformity-oriented family, 330–33

consensual families, 332

conversation-oriented family, 330–33

defined, 324

family stories, 326–29

gay and lesbian, 333–34

helicopter parents, 338

interparental conflict, 348

laissez-faire families, 333

lifelong influence of, 46–47

openness versus protection dialectic, 338–40

parental favoritism in, 343–45

pluralistic families, 332–33

primacy of, 46, 323, 349

privacy rules, 339–40

protective families, 333

relationships, maintaining, 333–36

and sense of self, 46–48

types of, 325–26

Family Communication Patterns Theory, 330–31

favoritism, parental, 343–45

fearful attachment, 48


in active listening, 153–54

defined, 9

and empathy, 128–29

feelings. See also emotions, elements of, 113

fields of experience, 9

50/50 (film), 125


defined, 20

Flame Theory, 20

online communication, 20, 27

flexibility, supportive workplace climate, 392

Focus on Culture

Accommodation and Radical Pacifism, 261

Autonomy and Class: Helicopter Parents, 338

Challenging Traditional Gender Labels, 187

Cross-Orientation Male Friendships, 366

Happiness across Cultures, 116

How Does the Media Shape Your Self-Esteem?, 44

Infidelity Internationally, 310

Intercultural Competence, 29

Model Minority Myth, The, 403

Perceiving Race, 87

Touch and Distance, 224

When Nobody Will Listen, 156

friendship, 355–81

agentic friendship, 357–58

best friends, 361–63

betrayal, 371–73

characteristics of, 355–57

communal friendship, 357

cross-orientation friends, 365, 366

cross-sex friendships, 364–65

and culture, 359–60

defined, 355

friendship rules, 368–70

functions of, 357–58

FWB (friends with benefits), 377, 380–81

and gender, 358, 360, 363

intercultural friends, 365–66

interethnic friends, 367

and life span, 358, 361

and liking, 357

long-distance, 373–76

maintaining, strategies for, 367–71

and online communication, 360–61

versus other relationships, 355–57

and romantic relationships, 376–77

and self-disclosure, 353–54, 356, 369, 370–71

time/activities, sharing, 370

volatility of, 357, 371–72

friendship-warmth touch, 224

functional-professional touch, 223

fundamental attribution error, 81

FWB (friends with benefits), 377, 380–81

gay and lesbian. See also LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer); sexual orientation

family, 333–34

naming/terms related to, 186–87

and romantic love, 286

supportive networks for, 304


brain, male/female differences, 86

and conflict management, 260–62

and cooperative verbal communication, 195–96

defined, 28, 45–46, 359n

and emotional displays, 65, 120

and eye contact, 216, 219

and friendships, 358, 360, 363

and interpersonal communication, 28–29, 86–89

and listening, 163

and nonverbal communication, 214–16

and perception, 86–89

and power imbalance, 253–54

and romantic love, 284

and self-concept, 46

and self-disclosure, 65, 68

and sense of self, 45–46

sexual infidelity, response to, 308

socialization, 46–47

and violence in relationships, 270

gender equality, 253–54

and power imbalance, 254

requirements for, 253–54

gender labels, traditional, replacing, 187


defined, 93

impressions of others, 93–94, 104

gestures, nonverbal messages in, 219–20, 231–32

Glee (TV series), 288–89, 365


incompatible, and conflict, 246

and interpersonal communication, 18–19

Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 271, 274

Google Alert, 57

Gospel for Teens, 109–10, 141


features of, 134

managing, 134–35

support groups, 135

halo effect, 95


and culture, 116

encouraged by others. See positivity

and personality traits, 121

and workplace relationships, 413, 417


and culture, 224

defined, 218, 223

nonverbal communication through, 223–25, 234–35

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (film), 402

Harry Potter films, 218–19, 329–31


impairment, 148–49

in listening process, 148–49

hierarchy of needs, 18

high-context cultures, 181

high power-distance cultures, 252

high self-monitors, 22–23


in cooperative verbal communication, 193, 201, 204

defined, 193

lack of. See deception/lying

horn effect, 95

hostile climate harassment, 412

hostility. See aggression; anger; chronic hostility

How I Met Your Mother (TV series), 64

human needs, and interpersonal communication, 18

humor, and friendships, 369

Hunger Games, The (Collins), 248–49

hypotheses, in research, 20

ideal self, 42–43

identity support, 362–63

idioms, personal, 179–80

I-It, 13

illustrators, 219

immediacy, and posture, 220

impact, of interpersonal communication, 13

impersonal communication, defined, 13

implicit personality theories, 92

impressions of others. See interpersonal impressions

Inception (film), 75

indifference messages, 199

individualistic cultures

conflict management, 260–62

features of, 50

group decisions in, 261

listening styles, 164

ingroups, 84–85

initiating stage, romantic relationships, 294

Insidious (film), 147–48

instant-messaging. See text-messaging

instrumental goals, 19

integrating stage, romantic relationships, 295

integrative agreements, conflict management by, 265–66

intensifying stage, romantic relationships, 294–95

interaction. See also interpersonal communication

defined, 6

interactive communication model, 9, 10

intercultural competence

versus ethnocentrism, 101

perception-checking, 101, 104

world-mindfulness, 100–101

intercultural friends, 365–66

interethnic friends, 367

internal attributions, 80

interparental conflict, 348

interpersonal communication

competence in. See interpersonal communication competence

and culture, 27–28

defined, 11

as dynamic, 11, 17

elements of, 11–13

and emotions, 111–41

ethical factors. See ethical communication

and gender, 28–29

goals, 18–19

importance of, 3–5

information, types in, 14–16

intentional and unintentional, 16

as irreversible, 16–17

listening, 147–71

needs of, 18

nonverbal communication, 211–39

online communication, 32

and perception, 76–105

problems with. See interpersonal communication problems

research and knowledge in, 19–20

and self, 39–69

and sexual orientation, 29

study, areas of, 33

as transactional, 11

and type of relationship. See relationships

verbal communication, 177–205

interpersonal communication competence, 21–27

appropriateness factor, 22–23

communication plans in, 198

and cultural differences. See intercultural competence

defined, 21

effectiveness factor, 23

ethical factors, 23–24

online communication, 25–27

problems with. See interpersonal communication problems

interpersonal communication problems, 197–204

communication apprehension, 198

and conflict, 245–48

deception, 201, 204

defensiveness, 198–200

inappropriateness, 22–23

with listening. See listening problems

online. See online communication problems

power issues, 248–54

verbal aggression, 200–201

interpersonal impressions, 92–98

algebraic impressions, 95–96

defined, 92

and dialects, 180

forming, factors in, 92–93

Gestalts, 93–94, 104

halo and horn effects, 95

ingroups and outgroups, 84–85

and moods, 114–15

negativity effect, 94–95

positivity bias, 94

stereotyping, 96–98

interpersonal process model, of intimacy, 63

interpersonal relationships. See relationships

interpretation, and perception, 78–82

interview test, for online self-presentation, 57


and connotative meanings, 184

defined, 60, 282

interpersonal process model of, 63

intimacy currency, 251

nonverbal communication of, 236

and workplace relationships, 387

intimate space, 225

intrapersonal communication, defined, 13

intrusion, relational, 311–12

invisibility, and online communication, 128

irreversibility, of interpersonal communication, 16–17

I-Thou, 13

It’s a Wonderful Life (film), 381

“I” versus “you” language, 194, 312


coping with, 310–11, 311

Facebook users, 266, 311

in friendships, 369

romantic relationships, 310–11

Jefferson strategy, 131–32

Johari Window, of relational self, 61–62

joy, 115, 141

Juvenile Love Scale, 283

kinesics, 218–21

defined, 218

eye contact, 219

facial expressions, 218

gestures, 219–20

posture, 220–21

King, Gayle, friendship with Oprah, 353–55, 381

kitchen-sinking, 247

laissez-faire families, 333


and brain, 185

conversations, 188–89

denotative and connotative meanings, 183–84

dialects, 179–80

as evolving/changing, 181–82

features of, 178–82

flexibility of, 179–80

linguistic determinism, 186

naming, 186–87

personal idioms, 179–80

relationship to culture, 180–81

relationship to thoughts, 184–86

rules in, 179, 182

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 185–86

speech acts, 187–88

as symbolic, 178–79, 186

lesbians. See gay and lesbian; LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer); sexual orientation

LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer)

cross-orientation friends, 365, 366

use of term, 186

Life as a House (film), 341–42

life span, and friendship, 358, 361


companionate love, 284

and friendship, 357

versus loving, 282

linear communication model, 8, 10

linguistic determinism, 186

linguistic relativity, 186

LinkedIn, 54

listening, 147–71

active. See listening improvement

and culture, 163–64, 181

defined, 147–48

functions of, 158–60

and gender, 163

gestural regulators, 220

importance of, 147, 171

ineffective. See listening problems

and memory, 155–57

nonverbal communication online, 220

process of, 148–57

Self-Quiz, 162

styles of, 160–63

listening improvement

for aggressive listening, 170

attention, improving, 150–51

back-channel cues, 153

listening purpose, adapting, 159–60

mixed-status relationships, 403

noise level, adjusting, 149

paraphrasing by listener, 154–55

positive versus negative feedback, 153–54

selective listening, overcoming, 164–65

styles of listening, employing, 162–63

listening problems, 164–70

aggressive listening, 167, 170

eavesdropping, 165–67

and misunderstandings, 193–94

narcissistic listening, 170

pseudo-listening, 167

selective listening, 164–65

living situation, nonverbal communication through, 230

long-distance relationships

friends, 373–76

maintaining, 304–5, 374–76

romantic, 304–5

long-term memory, 152

looking-glass self, 41

loudness, vocal, 223

love, 282–85. See also romantic relationships

and accommodation, 257

attitudes, Self-Quiz, 285

companionate, 284

defined, 282

passionate, 282–84

love-intimacy touch, 224

Lovely Bones, The (Sebold), 190

low-context cultures, 181

low power-distance cultures, 252

low self-monitors, 22–23

ludus, 284

lying. See deception/lying

Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand (Simonson), 282–83

Making Relationship Choices

Balancing Impressions and Empathy, 102–3

Choosing between Friends, 378–79

Dealing with a Difficult Friend, 30–31

Dealing with Difficult Truths, 202–3

Dealing with Family Conflict, 272–73

Dealing with a Jealous Partner, 314–15

Dealing with Mixed Messages, 236–37

Dealing with Workplace Abuse, 414–15

Ethics and Self-Disclosure, 66–67

Listening When You Don’t Want To, 168–69

Managing Anger and Providing Support, 138–39

Struggling with Family Transitions, 346–47

mania, 284


online self, 56

public self as, 52–54

matching, 290

meaning, conveying, nonverbal communication, 213, 231–32


defined, 7

impact on self-esteem, 44

meetings, online, 393–94


improving. See memory improvement

recall, 155–57

short- and long-term, 152

memory improvement

bizarreness effect, 157

mnemonics, 156

men. See also gender

brains of, 86

mental bracketing, 151

mental management, 376

mere exposure effect, 289

message in communication

in communication models, 8–10

in defensive communication, 199

defined, 6

in nonverbal communication, 231–32

messaging, online. See online communication; text-messaging

meta-communication, defined, 16

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, 145–46

misunderstandings, 193–94

defined, 193

and listening problems, 193–94

online, 194

and perception, 78

mixed messages, 213, 236

mixed-status relationships, 399–406

advocacy, 400–401

compliments/criticism, giving, 404–5

defined, 400

downward communication, guidelines for, 402–5

maintaining, strategies for, 405–6

upward communication, guidelines for, 400–402

workplace abuse, 406–7, 411–14

mnemonics, 156

model minority myth, 403

monitoring, relational intrusion, 311–12


defined, 114

impact on interpersonal communication, 114–15

improving, 115

M-time orientation, 226–28

multitasking online, avoiding, 150–51

naming, 186–87

narcissistic listening, 170

negative feedback, from listeners, 153–54

negativity, and neuroticism, 121–22


organizational, 390–92

supportive. See social networks


defined, 90

and emotional displays, 121

as personality trait, 90–91

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for, 121–22

No Country for Old Men (film), 197–98, 200


in communication models, 8–9

pollution, and hearing/listening, 148–49

nonverbal communication, 211–39

affect displays, 232

ambiguity of, 212

codes for. See nonverbal communication codes

and culture, 213–14, 238–39

defined, 211

functions of, 231–38

and gender, 214–16

management of, 238–39

meaning, conveying with, 213, 231–38

mixed messages, 213

multiple channels in, 212

online, 211, 216–18, 223

power of, 209–11, 239

in relationship information, 16

relationships, functions in, 233–38

and rules, 212–13

nonverbal communication codes, 217–30

artifacts, 229–30

chronemics, 226–28

defined, 217

environment, 230

haptics, 223–25

kinesics, 218–21

physical appearance, 228–29

proxemics, 225–26

vocalics, 221–23

norms, workplace, 389

No Strings Attached (film), 377, 380–81

Notorious C.H.O., The (performance), 44

nuclear family, 325

online communication, 25–27. See also e-mail; Facebook; social networking (online); text-messaging

as asynchronous communication, 128

avoiding, situations for, 194

benefits and pitfalls of, 25–26

best practices related to, 26

communication competence guidelines, 25–27, 65

and conflict management, 262–63

defined, 25

e-mail, 25–27

emoticons, 211, 218

and family relationships, 335–36

forms of, 24–25, 32, 54

friendship, impact on, 25, 360–61

impact on interpersonal communication, 25, 32

and invisibility, 128

long-distance relationships, maintaining with, 305, 335–36, 374–75

message, matching to method, 25–26

multitasking online, avoiding, 150–51

nonverbal communication online, 211, 216–18, 223

versus in-person communication, 25–27, 194

problems. See online communication problems

romantic partners, 292–93, 304–5, 411

self-presentation. See online self

and stereotyping, 98

and telecommuting, 390

virtual networks, 390

virtual peers, 396–98

workplace relationships, 390, 393–95

online communication problems

attribution errors, 81–82

conflict, management guidelines, 262–63

cyberbullying, 407

cyberslacking at workplace, 394–95

deception/lying, 201, 292–93

difficult friend, dealing with, 30–31

emotions, inappropriate expression of, 127–29

empathy deficits, 128–29

flaming, 20, 27

misunderstandings, 194

provocateurs as aggressive listeners, 167

self-descriptions, misleading, 55–56

online self, 54–57

evaluation by others, 56–57

improving presentation, guidelines for, 57

interview test for checking, 57

mask, 56

positive approach to, 55

postings by others, checking, 57

self-descriptions, misleading, 55–56

self-disclosure, 64–65

warranting value, 56–57

openness, 58–60. See also self-disclosure

defined, 90

peer relationships, 397–98

as personality trait, 90–91

versus protection, in families, 338–40

in romantic relationships, 303

social penetration theory, 59–60

organization, and perception, 77–78


climate, defensive versus supportive, 392–93

culture of, 389–90

relationships in. See mixed-status relationships; peer relationships; workplace relationships

Other Guys, The (film), 407

ought self, 42, 44

outgroups, 87–88

pacifism, radical, 261

paraphrasing, in active listening, 154–55

parental favoritism, 343–45

Parks and Recreation (TV series), 410

passion/passionate love

defined, 132–33, 282

emotional experience of, 132–33, 282–84

peer relationships, 395–98

maintaining, strategies for, 397–98

mixed-status relationships, 399–402

professional peers, 395–96

types of, 396–97

virtual peers, 396–97

workplace romances, 409–11

people-oriented listeners, 161, 163, 164

perception, 76–105

anger, impact on, 130–31

attributions, 79–82

bias related to. See perceptual bias

certainty versus uncertainty, 82–84

and conflict, 246

and culture, 82–86

defined, 75

impressions of others. See interpersonal impressions

improving, guidelines for, 98–105

misunderstandings, avoiding, 78

and moods, 114–15

perception-checking, 101, 104

and personality, 91–92

process of, 76–105

responsible, to improve communications, 104–5

and romantic love, 285

perceptual bias

and attributions, 79–82

and schemata, 78–79

personal idioms, 179–80

personality, 89–92

Big Five traits, 90, 120–21

defined, 90

and emotional displays, 120–22

implicit theories of, 92

and perception, 91–92

and romantic attraction, 290

Self-Quiz, 91

personality clashes, 247

personal space

communication through. See proxemics

defined, 225


defined, 99

and empathy, 99–100

on online communication, 129

physical appearance

defined, 218, 229

nonverbal communication through, 228–29

and romantic attraction, 289–90

physical needs, 18

pitch of voice, 222–23

pluralistic families, 332–33

Pollyanna (Porter), 94

Pollyanna effect, 94

positive feedback, from listeners, 153–54


in family relationships, 335

in friendships, 369

peer relations, 397

positivity bias, 94

in romantic relationships, 300–301

posture, nonverbal messages in, 220–21

power, 248–54

in abusive relationships, 316

characteristics of, 249–50

and conflict, 250

and conflict management, 252, 258

and culture, 251–53, 252–53

currencies, 251

defined, 220, 248

Dyadic Power Theory, 249–50

ethical factors, 250

and gender, 253–54

parent-child, 332–33

and posture, 220–21

power-distance, 252–53

and sexual harassment, 411–13

workplace bullying, 407–9

power-distance, 252–53

defined, 252

high versus low distance countries, 252

Self-Quiz, 253

pragma, 284

praise, mixed-status relationships, 404

preoccupied attachment, 48

primary emotions, 115


among family members, 339–40

among friends, 369

invasion of, in relationships, 311–12

workplace online activities, 395

private self, 51

and relationships, 61–62

professional peers, 395–96. See also peer relationships


“I” versus “you” language, 194–95

preferred gender pronouns (PGPs), 187

“we” language, 195

protective families, 333

provocateurs, 167


and culture, 214, 224, 226

defined, 218, 225

and gender, 216

nonverbal communication through, 225–26, 234–35

power-distance, 252–53


personal space. See proxemics

and romantic attraction, 289

pseudo-conflict, 256

pseudo-listening, 167

P-time orientation, 227–28

public self, 51–54

face and losing face, 52–54

as mask, 52

and relationships, 61–62

public space, 225

punctuation, and organization, 77–78

Punnovada Sutta (Buddhist text), 261

Pursuit of Happiness, The (Myers), 413, 417

qualitative research, 20

quantitative research, 20

questions, in supportive communication, 137

quid pro quo harassment, 412


interethnic marriage and divorce, 304

perceptual judgment based on, 87

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, 121

reactivity, conflict management, 258, 266–67

reappraisal of emotions, 126–27

recalling, in listening process, 155–57


in communication process, 8–9

in listening process, 148–49

reciprocal liking, 291

regulative rules, of language, 179, 182

regulators, 220

relational dialects, 287

relational intrusion, 311–12

relational self, 58–69. See also relationships

relationship information

elements of, 14–16

as meta-communication, 16

relationships. See also specific topics

attachment theory of, 46–48

conflict in. See conflict

family, 323–49

friendships, 355–81

intimacy, 234–35

liking versus loving, 282

managing with verbal communication, 190

mixed-status, 399–406

nonverbal management of, 233–38

openness in, 58–60

peer, 395–98

power in, 248–50

public and hidden selves in, 60–62

relational maintenance, 299–306

relationship goals, 19

relationship information, 14–16

romantic, 281–317

and self, 58–69

self-disclosure, 62–68

and self-esteem, 42

social penetration theory, 59–60

at workplace, 385–417

relationship talks, in romantic relationships, 303

religiosity, and happiness, 116

research. See communication research

resource currency, 251

resources, and romantic attraction, 291–92

responding, in listening process, 153–55

rituals, stepfamilies, 343

Rock On (Kennedy), 62–63

romantic relationship problems

abusive partner, tactics of, 316

betrayal, forms of, 307–10

coming apart, stages in, 296–98

jealousy, 310–11

maintaining relationship, decision about, 306

relational intrusion, 311–12

sexual infidelity, 307–8

violence, 313, 316

romantic relationships, 281–317

attraction, 288–92

and choice, 286

and commitment, 287

and culture, 283

defined, 285

development, stages in, 293–98

elements of, 285–88

friendship-first couples, 376–77

and gender, 284

long-distance, maintaining, 304–5

maintaining, strategies for, 299–306

managing with verbal communication, 190

and online communication, 292–93, 304–5, 411

passionate love, 282–84

problems in. See romantic relationship problems

reciprocal liking, 291

relational dialects of, 287

and resources of other, 291–92

at workplace, 409–11


family communication, 324

family privacy, 339–40

friendship, 368–70

lack of, and nonverbal communication, 212–13

of language, 179, 182

mixed-status relationships, 405

relationship, as source of conflict, 247

workplace norms, 389


defined, 76

and listening process, 149, 164–65

and perception, 76

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 185–86

Saturday Night Live (TV series), 53

Say Yes to the Dress (TV series), 228

schemata, 78–79

defined, 78–79

Gestalts, constructing, 93–94

and interpersonal communication, 78–79


in conversations, 188–89

defined, 188

secure attachment, 48

selection, and perception, 76

selective listening, 164–65

self, 39–59

and culture, 48–51

defined, 39

face and losing face, 52–54

family influences, 46–48

and gender, 45–46

private self, 51, 61–62

public self, 51–54, 61–62

relational self, 58–69

self-actualization, 18

self-awareness, 39–40, 69

self-concept, 40–41

self-description, 56–57

self-disclosure, 62–68

self-esteem, 41–45

self-monitoring, 22–23

self-presentation, 18–19

self-reflection, critical, 40

self-serving bias, 82

social penetration theory, 59–60

self-actualization needs, 18

self-awareness, 39–40

critical self-reflection, 40, 69

defined, 39

improving, tips for, 40


components of, 40–41

defined, 40

and gender socialization, 46

and self-fulfilling prophecy, 41

self-descriptions, warranting value of information, 56–57

self-disclosure, 62–68. See also openness

and culture, 64, 68

defined, 63

ethical factors, 66

in family relationships, 335

and friendship, 353–54, 369, 370–71

and gender, 65, 68

improving, tips for, 65, 68

and online communication, 64–65

in romantic relationships, 302–3

self-discrepancy theory

defined, 42

of self-esteem, 42

self-enhancing thoughts, 267–68

self-esteem, 41–45

defined, 41

improving, 43–44

media, influence on, 44

self-discrepancy theory of, 42

self-quiz, 45

self-fulfilling prophecy

defined, 41

and self-concept, 41


high and low, 22

Self-Quiz, 23


goals of, 18–19

nonverbal communication of, 232–33

online. See online self


Are You a High or a Low Power-Distance Person?, 253

Are You an M-Time or a P-Time Person?, 227

Assessing Your Emotional Intelligence, 124

Dark Side of Interpersonal Relationships, The, 32

Discover Your Attachment Style, 61

Discover Your Listening Styles, 162

Friendship Distance-Durability, 375

How Do You Approach Conflict?, 256

How Much Family Favoritism Exists?, 345

How Often Do You Betray Romantic Partners?, 307

Multitasking and Attention, 150–51

Test Your Chronic Hostility, 131

Test Your Deception Acceptance, 204

Test Your Empathy, 100

Test Your Knowledge of American Dialects, 180

Test Your Love Attitudes, 285

Test Your Maintenance of Peer Relationships, 398

Test Your Nonverbal Dominance Knowledge, 235

Test Your Perception of Sexual Harassment, 412

Test Your Self-Disclosure, 23

Test Your Self-Esteem, 45

What Communication Pattern Does Your Family Have?, 331

What Kind of Friend Are You?, 363

What Kind of Personality Do You Have?, 91

self-reflection, critical, exploring, 40

self-serving bias, 82

senders in communication, 8–9

separation, conflict management by, 264

September 11, emotions experienced, 117–19

sex, biological, versus gender, 28, 46, 359n

Sex and the City (TV series), 361–62, 365

sexual harassment, 411–13

coping with, 413

defined, 412

forms of, 411

sexual infidelity, 307–8

coping with, 308, 310

and culture, 310

response, and gender, 308


FWB (friends with benefits), 377, 380–81

romantic relationships, 284, 295

sexual-arousal touch, 224

sexual orientation. See also gay and lesbian; LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer)

defined, 29

impact on interpersonal communication, 29

naming issue, 186–87

preferred gender pronouns (PGPs), 187

private versus public self, 51


in friendships, 356–57

tasks, in romantic relationships, 301

short-term memory, 152

Shrek (film), 58–59

siblings, parental favoritism, 343–45

similarity, and romantic attraction, 290

single-parent families, 326

skirting, 255


long-distance relationships, maintaining with, 305, 374

virtual networks, 390

virtual peers, 396–97

small talk, 294

sniping, 255

social class, and happiness, 116

social comparison

defined, 40

and self-awareness, 40

social exchange theory, of romantic attraction, 291


gender, 46–47

organizational culture, 389–90

social needs, 18

social network currency, 251

social networking (online). See also Facebook

benefits and pitfalls of, 25–26

jealousy, provoking, 311

popular sites, 54

self-presentation. See online self

virtual networks, 390

social networks. See also friendship

family members in, 337–38

and romantic partners, 303–4

supportive, fostering, 304

undermining, 304

social penetration theory, 59–60

social-polite touch, 223

social space, 225

South Park (TV series), 21–22

special peers, 396–97

speech acts, 187–88

speech rate, 223

spillover hypothesis, 348

stagnating stage, relationship breakup, 297

stalking, 312

stepfamilies, 342–43

defined, 326

transition to, tips for, 342–43

triangulation in, 342–43

stereotyping, 95–98

defined, 96

gender and verbal communication, 195–95

as interethnic friendship barrier, 367

and interpersonal impressions, 95–98

naming issue in, 186

Native American portraits, 209–10, 239

overcoming, 98

“Stop All the Clocks” (Auden), 134

storge, 284

stress management, and self-disclosure, 65

structural improvements, conflict management by, 266


defined, 238

nonverbal communication of, 238

subordinates, workplace, relationships with. See mixed-status relationships

sudden-death statements, 268–69

superiority messages, in defensive communication, 199

supervisors, relationships with. See mixed-status relationships

supportive communication

defined, 136

in friendships, 357, 369

to grieving persons, 136–37

and listening, 159

support groups, for grieving, 135

supportive workplace climate, 392–93

suppression of emotions, 123, 125, 130–31, 135–36

survival stories, family, 328


defined, 178

in language, 178–79, 186

symmetrical relationships, 249

technology, and conflict management, 262–63

telecommuting, 390

terminating stage, relationship breakup, 297–98

Terminator, The (film), 263–64

territoriality, 225

text-messaging. See also online communication

and communication situation, 25

as conflict mediation channel, 262

long-distance relationships, maintaining with, 305, 335–36, 374–75

professionals, use of, 393

theory, and research, 19–20

thoughts, relationship to language, 184–86


communication through. See chronemics

sharing, in friendships, 370

time-oriented listeners, 161

time-oriented listeners, 161, 163, 164

tone of voice, 222

touch, communication through. See haptics

transactional communication

interpersonal communication as, 11

model of, 9–10

transgendered persons, and language labels, 187


in stepfamilies, 342–43

trust, and friendship, 369

Twilight (Meyer), 132–33


poor communication choices, 55

professionals, use of, 393


and interpersonal communication, 82–84

reducing, to improve communication, 83–84

Uncertainty Reduction Theory, 83

understanding. See also misunderstandings

defined, 152

in listening process, 151–52, 193–94

and memory, 152

unsolvable disputes, 274

upward communication, guidelines for, 400–402

valued social identities, 362–63, 369


defined, 40

workplace, 389

venting, 125, 131

verbal aggression, 200–201

causes of, 200

defending self against, 200–201

defined, 200

verbal communication, 177–205. See also language

communication accommodation theory, 196–97

and culture, 180–81

defined, 177

effective. See cooperative verbal communication

functions of, 182–90

power of, 177, 205

problems related to. See interpersonal communication problems


and conflict, 270–71

dating violence, 313, 316

physical, in close relationships, 270

virtual networks, organizational, 390

virtual peers, 396–97


defined, 218, 221

emotions conveyed with, 232

nonverbal communication through, 221–23

vocal characteristics, 221–23

voice, communicating with. See vocalics

warranting theory, self-descriptions, 56–57

wedging, 311

“we” language, 195

What Not to Wear (TV series), 158

White Privilege (McIntosh), 87

Winfrey, Oprah, friendship with Gayle King, 353–55, 381

win-lose situations, 264–65

Wizard of Oz, The (film), 349

women. See also gay and lesbian; gender

brain of, 86

gender equality, 253–54

“Word of the Year,” 181

words, new, 181–82

workplace relationships, 385–417

abusive, 406–7, 411–14

bullying in workplace, 407–9

cliques, 391

defensive versus supportive climates, 392–93

defined, 387

dimensions of, 387–88

and happiness, 413, 417

information flows, 390–92

online communication, 390, 393–95

and organizational culture, 389–90

organizational networks, 390–92

and organizational status. See mixed-status relationships

professional peers. See peer relationships

sexual harassment, 411–13

workplace romances, 409–11

world-mindfulness, 100–101

World of Warcraft, 25, 53

Written on the Body (Winterson), 234

Wuthering Heights (Brontë), 165–66

“you” language, 194

YouTube, 216–17

Zombieland (film), 367–68
