Table : TABLE 1.3 Sources and Sinks for Atmospheric Gases




Nitrogen (N2)

Decaying and burning organic matter, volcanic eruptions, weathering of rocks

Enters soil and water with rain and biological activity

Oxygen (O2)


Decomposition and weathering of rocks absorb O2 from the atmosphere

Water vapor (H2O)

Evaporation from oceans, plant photosynthesis, volcanic eruptions

Condensation and deposition convert H2O to liquid and solid (ice) states

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Volcanic eruptions, decay of living matter, respiration, humans’ burning of coal, oil, and natural gas for energy

Plants, oceans, and chemical reactions with rocks absorb CO2

Methane (CH4)

Anaerobic (oxygen-free) bacterial decomposition

Breakdown by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Soil bacterial processes, human activities

Breakdown by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun

Ozone (O3)

Ultraviolet radiation, burning fossil fuels

Breakdown by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun

CFCs and HFCs


Breakdown by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun