Table : TABLE 6.3 Reducing One’s Carbon Footprint



Reduce, reuse, recycle

Generating less waste and recycling reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by resource extraction, manufacturing, transport, and disposal of materials.


Living closer to work, biking, walking, using public transportation, carpooling, and combining errands for fewer trips reduce the amount of fuel burned.

Home energy use

Insulating the attic and outside walls, LED lighting, and efficient appliances reduce energy use.

Water use

Purifying and distributing water require energy. Using less water consumes less energy.

Renewable energy use

Using solar and wind energy decreases reliance on fossil fuels. Many local power companies allow users to select whether their power comes from conventional or renewable sources.


Raising livestock for meat is more carbon-intensive than growing plants for direct human consumption. Eating organic food reduces the use of fossil-fuel fertilizers. Eating locally produced food reduces the need to transport food long distances.


Flying is a carbon-intensive activity. Flying less reduces fuel use.

Political engagement

Climate-friendly legislation can be an effective way to manage greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon offsets

Carbon offsets are investments in renewable, carbon-free energy sources such as wind energy and solar energy. These projects can reduce carbon emissions from conventional energy sources such as coal or oil.