CHAPTER 1 Critical-Thinking Questions

CHAPTER 1 Critical-Thinking Questions

Question 1.57

1. Why is air pollution in the United States decreasing even though the numbers of cars and coal-burning power plants are increasing?

Question 1.58

2. What is the general air quality where you live? How would you find out if you do not know the answer?

Question 1.59

3. Acid rain is naturally produced by volcanoes. Given that acid rain is natural, why is acid rain caused by humans seen as a hazard?

Question 1.60

4. Construct an argument between critics and supporters of the Clean Air Act, with one side stating it is too costly to enact, and the other side stating it is too costly not to enact. With which side do you identify more?

Question 1.61

5. Can you think of other pressing global environmental problems like ozonosphere thinning that the world currently faces? Explain.