CHAPTER 3 Critical-Thinking Questions

CHAPTER 3 Critical-Thinking Questions

Question 3.72

1. If the hydrologic cycle is solar powered, does it “turn off” at night after the Sun has set?

Question 3.73

2. Which of the four types of uplift occur where you live? What kinds of information do you need to answer this question?

Question 3.74

3. Explain why “steam” fills the air in the bathroom during a hot shower on a cold day. What is that steam, and why does it form?

Question 3.75

4. How can warm, humid tropical air have a lower relative humidity than cold, dry polar air?

Question 3.76

5. Explain how fog can form over a cold pond in warm air and over a warm pond in cold air. Describe the relative temperatures of the water and air. Use any of the humidity variables you have learned in this chapter.