4.2 Air Pressure and Wind

Explain how surface air pressure changes and describe three controls on wind speed and direction.

In Section 1.2, we learned that the higher a person travels in elevation, the less atmospheric pressure there is. Mountain climbers refer to pressures below 356 mb (found at about 8,000 m or 26,000 ft elevation) as the “death zone” because oxygen levels are too low for human survival. Barometers are instruments used to measure air pressure. For that reason, air pressure is also called barometric pressure. For extreme mountain climbers, having an accurate barometer can be a matter of life or death. As shown in Figure 4.4, there are two types of barometers: mercury barometers and aneroid barometers.

SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: How is air pressure measured? Meteorological reports and forecasting rely on measurements of air pressure. Generally, high pressure is associated with fair weather, and low pressure is associated with stormy weather.


An instrument used to measure air pressure.

In this section, we examine differences in air pressure across geographic space. These horizontal differences in pressure are much more subtle than vertical differences. They are important, however, because even the slightest horizontal differences cause the wind to blow. Meteorologists identify two types of air pressure, categorized by the cause of pressure change: thermal pressure and dynamic pressure.

Thermal Pressure

Thermal pressure is air pressure caused by temperature. Warm air is associated with low pressure, and cold air is associated with high pressure. When the temperature of air is increased, its kinetic energy (rate of molecular movement) increases. Therefore, the air expands, which gives it a lower molecular density and lowers atmospheric pressure. Conversely, when the temperature of air is decreased, molecular movement decreases. As a result, the density of air molecules increases, and so does the air pressure.

thermal pressure

Air pressure resulting from changes in temperature.

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Air molecules can be compared to a crowd of people standing together. With their arms at their sides, they can stand close together, and many people can fit into a given space (a situation comparable to cool, dense air and thermal high pressure). When the people are active (doing jumping jacks or some other physical movement), they must stand farther apart, and they require more space (a situation comparable to warmer, less dense air and thermal low pressure).

Dynamic Pressure

Dynamic pressure is pressure caused by air movement. The relationship between air temperature and air pressure is not constant because dynamic pressure can override thermal pressure. Air flows in Earth’s atmosphere because of thermal pressure gradients. Yet once the air is set in motion, dynamic pressure changes happen. Where air piles up on itself and compresses, it creates high pressure. Likewise, where airflow accelerates, the air “stretches,” its molecular density decreases, and it creates low pressure. These changes in pressure occur mainly where air flows vertically in the atmosphere, as well as upwind and downwind of mountain ranges.

dynamic pressure

Air pressure caused by air movement.

Wind Speed and Direction

Whether thermal or dynamic, air pressure differences across geographic space drive the wind. But why are some winds hurricane-force, while others are gentle breezes? Why do some winds spiral, while other travel in straight lines?There are three forces that control wind speed and direction: pressure-gradient force, Coriolis force, and friction force.

Pressure-Gradient Force

When horizontal differences in pressure occur across a region, a pressure-gradient force is created. The pressure gradient is the change in air pressure across Earth’s surface. The pressure gradient is the most important factor in setting the atmosphere in motion and determining wind speed and direction. Without a pressure gradient, there is no wind.

pressure-gradient force

The force resulting from changes in barometric pressure across Earth’s surface.

Figure 4.5 illustrates the pressure-gradient concept using bicycle tires as an example. Air flows from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. The greater the pressure gradient between the bicycle tire and the outside air—the more the tube is inflated—the faster air will flow out of the tube. As long as the nozzle is open, the air will keep moving out of the tube until there is no more pressure gradient between the tube and the outside air.

Bicycle tire air pressure. In a bicycle tire’s inner tube, air molecules are packed together at a high density, and the air pressure inside the tube is high. When the tube’s nozzle is opened or the tube is punctured, air molecules rush out of this high-pressure environment into the low-pressure environment of the surrounding air.

Although horizontal pressure changes on Earth’s surface are far more subtle, we can similarly envision the atmosphere’s molecular density as higher in some regions and lower in others (Figure 4.6). As in the bicycle tire, air will flow from regions of relatively high molecular density and high pressure into regions of relatively low molecular density and low pressure. The greater the pressure difference between regions (the steeper the pressure gradient), the faster the air will flow between them. In regions where little pressure change occurs (a shallow pressure gradient), the air will move slowly.

How a pressure gradient creates wind. (A) The molecules of air in this geographic region are distributed uniformly. No pressure gradient exists. Therefore, there is no wind. (B) The air molecules decrease in density across this geographic region from left to right. The horizontal pressure gradient runs from areas of high density to areas of low density. The air molecules will move down this pressure gradient, creating wind.
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Visualizing the Pressure Gradient: Isobars

Air pressure decreases rapidly as elevation increases. Near Earth’s surface, it drops about 10 mb with each 100 m increase in elevation. Meteorologists must adjust for elevation differences when comparing surface pressures between geographic regions. Station pressure is barometric pressure that has not been adjusted to sea level. Sea-level pressure is barometric pressure that has been adjusted to sea level. The weather maps we see almost always show sea-level pressure. Figure 4.7 illustrates how station pressure is adjusted to sea-level pressure.

Station pressure and sea-level pressure. When the effects of elevation are factored in for these two stations, they have the same sea-level pressure, and there is no pressure gradient between them.

sea-level pressure

Air pressure that has been adjusted to sea level.

Once station pressure readings have been converted to sea-level pressure, sea-level pressure gradients can be mapped using isobars. An isobar is a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal pressure. Isobars are quantitative representations of the changing molecular density of the air over a geographic region (Figure 4.8). The Crunch the Numbers feature asks you to calculate the average air pressure for high-elevation cities such as Denver, Colorado.

Visualizing isobars. (A) In this scenario, atmospheric pressure (molecular density) decreases across a region from left to right. Air pressure is quantified using a barometer, and a partition is drawn for every four millibars of pressure change. (B) When the top three-dimensional image is transferred onto a flat two-dimensional map, the partitions become lines of equal pressure, or isobars. Air pressure at location 1 is between the 1016 mb and 1020 mb isobars. Location 2 is on the 1012 mb isobar. Therefore, the pressure gradient runs from location 1 to location 2.


A line drawn on a map connecting points of equal pressure. Isobars are quantitative representations of the changing molecular density of the air over a geographic region.

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Calculate Denver’s Station Pressure

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Calculate Denver’s Station Pressure

Question 4.1

Using the rate of decreasing barometric pressure given above (10 mb per 100 m), calculate the approximate average station pressure in millibars for Denver, Colorado, located at 1,609 m. To do this, first divide the elevation in meters by 100. Then convert the product to millibars by multiplying by 10. Once you have that number, subtract your answer from the average sea-level pressure, 1013 mb, to get Denver’s average station pressure. Round to the nearest whole number.

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Isobars are the most important means of mapping horizontal pressure differences in Earth’s atmosphere. There are two key points to remember about isobars (Figure 4.9): (1) The pressure gradient runs perpendicular (90 degrees) to isobars. (2) Where isobars are close together, the wind blows fast because the pressure gradient is steep. Where isobars are far apart, there is little or no wind because the pressure gradient is shallow.

Effects of pressure-gradient force on wind direction and speed. The wind blows in a direction perpendicular to the isobars, from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Widely spaced isobars show a weak pressure gradient and slow wind (left arrow). Closely spaced isobars show a steep pressure gradient and fast wind (right arrow).

Coriolis Force

Earth’s rotation creates Coriolis force, which causes objects that travel great distances to follow curved paths rather than straight lines.


Coriolis force

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Coriolis force (or Coriolis effect) is the perceived deflection of moving objects in relation to Earth’s surface. This deflecting effect is named after the French scientist Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis (1792–1843). It causes a perceived deflection in the direction of flowing fluids, such as wind and ocean currents, and of flying objects traveling long distances, such as airplanes and missiles, relative to Earth’s surface (Figure 4.10).

Coriolis force. The arrow traces the path of a flying object. (A) On a non-rotating Earth, objects would travel in straight lines over Earth’s surface. (B) On a rotating Earth, objects still travel in straight lines, but Earth rotates beneath them.

Coriolis force

(or Coriolis effect) The perceived deflection of moving objects in relation to Earth’s surface.

In the Northern Hemisphere, moving objects veer to the right because of Coriolis force. In the Southern Hemisphere, they veer to the left. The direction of travel does not affect the direction of deflection. Coriolis force is greatest at high latitudes, less at middle latitudes, and absent within about 5° north and south of the equator. Figure 4.11 illustrates the effect of Coriolis force on wind direction in relation to isobars.

Effects of Coriolis force on wind direction. As wind flows down the pressure gradient, Coriolis force deflects it to the right in the Northern Hemisphere. Arrows show the wind direction resulting from the pressure-gradient force and Coriolis force. Slow winds (left arrow) are deflected to the right less than fast winds (right arrow).

Question 4.2

Does Earth’s rotation control the direction in which water spirals down a drain?

No, the distance within a sink is too short for Coriolis force to influence the water’s direction of flow. The direction in which water spirals down a drain is determined by movement in the water and the shape of the sink basin.

Large geographic distances are required for Coriolis force to have a significant effect. So water spiraling down the drain in a sink is not deflected by Coriolis force, because the distance of only centimeters is insufficient for deflection to occur.

Friction Force

As air flows down a pressure gradient, it is slowed by frictional drag near Earth’s uneven surface. As friction slows the wind, Coriolis force deflects the wind less. Mountains, forests, buildings, and even ocean waves all slow the wind.

The boundary layer—the area of the atmosphere where wind is slowed by friction with Earth’s surface—generally extends about 1,000 m (3,280 ft) above the surface. Above the boundary layer, the wind moves more quickly. The height of the boundary layer varies across Earth’s surface. For example, the oceans have a relatively smooth surface, and the boundary layer extends only a few hundred meters above the water.

boundary layer

The layer of the atmosphere where wind is slowed by friction with Earth’s surface; extends about 1 km (3,280 ft) above the surface.

Cyclones and Anticyclones

Together, the three controls on wind speed and direction—pressure-gradient force, Coriolis force, and friction force—create rotating meteorological systems called cyclones and anticyclones. A cyclone is a system in which air flows toward a low-pressure region of the atmosphere, creating counterclockwise circulation in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise circulation in the Southern Hemisphere. An anticyclone is a system in which air flows away from a high-pressure region, creating clockwise circulation in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise circulation in the Southern Hemisphere. These systems are shown in detail in Figure 4.12.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Cyclones and anticyclones. Together, the three controls on wind speed and direction create rotating meteorological systems.


A meteorological system in which air flows toward a low-pressure region, creating counterclockwise circulation in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise circulation in the Southern Hemisphere.


A meteorological system in which air flows away from a high-pressure region, creating clockwise circulation in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise circulation in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Cyclones are particularly important meteorological systems because most storms are cyclonic systems and they are sometimes destructive (Figure 4.13). Storms are covered in greater detail in Chapter 5.

Cyclones. Midlatitude cyclones and tropical cyclones (or hurricanes) both develop counterclockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere as air flows toward an area of low pressure (as shown by the arrows). (A) A satellite image of a midlatitude cyclone over Lake Michigan on September 26, 2011. (B) On August 25, 2011, Hurricane Irene was a tropical cyclone just off the coast of Florida. It later struck several states to the north, including North Carolina and New York.