CHAPTER 8 Test Yourself
Take this quiz to test your chapter knowledge.
1. True or false? The Amazon rainforest has nutrient-
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2. True or false? Trees in temperate rainforests and tropical rainforests are mostly evergreen.
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3. True or false? The geographic distribution of the boreal forest, tundra, tropical alpine scrubland, and tropical savanna all are controlled by low temperatures.
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4. True or false? Of all the biomes, deserts have the lowest biomass and tropical rainforests have the highest biomass.
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5. True or false? At small spatial scales, climate is the most important determinant of vegetation structure.
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6. Multiple choice: Which of the following biomes is characterized by summer drought, winter rain, and frequent fire?
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7. Multiple choice: Which of the following biomes is treeless due to chronic moisture deficits, grazing, and fire?
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8. Multiple choice: Today, the most important agent of extinction is
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9. Fill in the blank: _____________ marks the uppermost elevations of trees in mountains.
10. Fill in the blank: An _____________ is a plant that lives on other plants.