CHAPTER 10 Concept Review

CHAPTER 10 Concept Review

The Human Sphere: Coastal Dead Zones

Question 10.29

1. What is a coastal dead zone? How does it form? How have people influenced dead zones in recent decades?

10.1 The Physical Oceans

Question 10.30

2. How many ocean basins are there? What are their names? Which is the largest and oldest?

Question 10.31

3. How deep does light penetrate in the oceans? Which color goes deepest?

Question 10.32

4. At what rate does pressure increase with depth in the oceans?

Question 10.33

5. Compare the surface temperatures of tropical oceans with those of polar oceans. Compare the deep-water temperatures (below 2,500 m) of tropical and polar oceans.

Question 10.34

6. Why is seawater salty? Describe the pattern of ocean surface salinity from the equator to the poles, and explain why it changes.

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Question 10.35

7. What drives surface ocean currents? What are gyres? Why do they flow in large circular loops?

Question 10.36

8. Review the major topographic features of the seafloor.

10.2 Life on the Continental Margins

Question 10.37

9. What are the two major types of corals? Which type builds reefs in the tropics?

Question 10.38

10. Describe the overall biodiversity of coral reefs.

Question 10.39

11. Describe the mutualist relationship between corals and algae.

Question 10.40

12. What are the three kinds of coral reefs? Use each to describe the process of atoll formation.

Question 10.41

13. Which coral reef is the largest in the world? Where is it?

Question 10.42

14. Why is it said that corals are “canaries in a coal mine”?

Question 10.43

15. What are the major threats to corals today?

Question 10.44

16. What is coral bleaching? What causes it? Is it permanent?

Question 10.45

17. What is a mangrove forest? Where are mangrove forests found? Why are they important?

Question 10.46

18. What is the most significant threat to mangrove forests?

Question 10.47

19. What are seagrass meadows? Where are they found? Why are they important?

Question 10.48

20. What are estuaries? How does brackish water relate to them?

Question 10.49

21. How were many estuaries formed? Why are they important? Why are so many major cities located on estuaries?

Question 10.50

22. What is a kelp forest? Where are kelp forests found? What are the threats to kelp forests?

10.3 Life in Polar Waters

Question 10.51

23. What are phytoplankton? Why are they essential to nearly all marine ecosystems?

Question 10.52

24. Why do so many organisms migrate to polar waters in spring and summer? Give examples of organisms that do this.

10.4 Life in Open Waters

Question 10.53

25. Why do so many organisms undergo a daily vertical migration? Where do they migrate to and from?

Question 10.54

26. What compels organisms to migrate across ocean basins?

Question 10.55

27. What and where is the shark café? What species of shark goes there, and why?

Question 10.56

28. What is bioluminescence? Where in the oceans is it used? What functions does it have?

Question 10.57

29. How do scientists sample life from the deep sea?

Question 10.58

30. What are seamounts, and why do they have high biodiversity?

Question 10.59

31. What are hydrothermal vents? Describe the life found at them. What is extremely unusual about it?

Question 10.60

32. What are the four types of industrial fishing in wide use? What is bycatch?

Question 10.61

33. How does soup relate to the wasteful destruction of sharks?

10.5 Geographic Perspectives: The Problem with Plastic

Question 10.62

34. How does plastic enter the oceans?

Question 10.63

35. What is the relationship between ocean gyres and ocean garbage patches?

Question 10.64

36. Why does plastic become more toxic the longer it resides in the ocean?

Question 10.65

37. How does plastic pose a threat to marine life? To people?

Question 10.66

38. What are some of the solutions to the problem of plastic in the oceans?