10.4 Life in Open Waters

Describe the geographic patterns of life in the open ocean.

Because the oceans are so large and so deep, open-ocean, or pelagic, ecosystems are the most geographically extensive ecosystems on the planet. The open waters (also called the high seas) cover about 50% of Earth’s surface in total. Our knowledge of the open ocean, however, is still in its infancy. Scientists are working to understand what lives there, how pelagic ecosystems function, and how people are influencing them.


Relating to the open sea.

We begin with two geographic approaches to examining the open waters: (1) tracing the daily movements of organisms vertically through layers of the ocean and (2) following the periodic movements of organisms horizontally across the ocean’s surface.

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Layers of Light: Daily Vertical Migrations

Much of the open ocean’s surface is a biological desert by day, but it is full of life at night, when organisms migrate upward from the safety of the dark depths to feed at the surface. These daily vertical migrations, or “commutes,” represent the largest synchronized animal movements on Earth. All types of organisms rise to the surface each night, including zooplankton, jellyfish, fish, and squid. Some organisms, such as jellyfish, take hours to reach the surface, spending more time in migrating than in feeding.

Many other organisms make a “reverse commute” to feed. In other words, they live at the lighted ocean surface but dive into the depths for their food (Figure 10.26).

Deep-diving organisms. (A) The strange-looking ocean sunfish (Mola mola) lives at the ocean surface and dives about 200 m (660 ft) deep to eat jellyfish. Note the GPS data recorder tag just behind the top fin of the fish. (B) Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) dive as deep as 3,000 m (10,000 ft)—three vertical kilometers straight down—to feed on giant squid. Like dolphins and bats, they locate their prey in the dark using sound, or echolocation.
(A. © Mike Johnson; B. © Jens Kuhfs/Photographers Choice/Getty Images)

Trans-Ocean Migrations

During the last decade, thanks to new GPS tagging and tracking technology, scientists have begun to piece together where pelagic migratory organisms go. Scientists are using a variety of electronic tagging techniques on migratory species to reveal where they migrate, when they migrate, and why they migrate. Figure 10.27 traces the migrations of two species, the great white shark and the blue-fin tuna.

Pelagic animal migrations. An understanding of the movement patterns of marine organisms is an important conservation tool for protecting their populations. (A) Great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) routinely travel between California and Hawai‘i and congregate in between at a location scientists call the shark café, probably to find mates. The yellow dots represent the locations of several dozen tagged sharks over a period of a few years. (B) Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), like many pelagic organisms, routinely cross ocean basins. The dots represent the locations of a single 15 kg (33 lb) bluefin that crossed the North Pacific between California and Japan three times in less than two years.
(A. Courtesy of Salvador Jorgensen, Monterey Bay Aquarium; Photos: Michael Patrick O’Neill/Science Source)

Life in the Deep

No sunlight reaches below the mesopelagic zone, which ends at a depth of 1,000 m (3,280 ft) (see Figure 10.6). Most of the open ocean is therefore pitch black and perpetually just above freezing. Pressures at these depths are extremely high because of the immense weight of water above.

There is, however, light at these depths. Ninety percent of organisms in the deep sea make their own light. Bioluminescence is the production of light through chemical means by living organisms. Bioluminescence has evolved independently among unrelated groups of deep-sea organisms at least 40 times. It is used to attract mates and prey and to hide and escape from predators (Figure 10.28).

Adaptations to the deep sea. The black-belly dragonfish (Stomias atriventer) has many traits that are common among deep-sea fishes: large eyes for detecting bioluminescence in extremely low-light conditions, a bioluminescent lure to attract prey, and a large jaw with cage-like teeth to trap prey. Silver scales reflect the faint light and reduce the fish’s silhouette, lowering its visibility to predators and prey.
(© Dave Wrobel)


The production of light through chemical means by living organisms.

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Question 10.9

Why do most deep-sea organisms glow?

Deep-sea organisms glow to attract resources such as mates and food or to hide from or confuse predators.

Scientific study of life in the deep ocean is a particularly challenging endeavor. The tremendous pressures of the deep have created a formidable barrier to scientific investigation, and staffed missions are very expensive. Robotic submersibles and trawls, which are far less costly, have been among the most important sources of scientific information on deep-ocean ecosystems (Figure 10.29).

SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: How do scientists explore life in the deep? The deep oceans are the least understood of Earth’s ecosystems, but evolving submersible technology is improving scientists’ understanding of deep-sea ecosystems. Each approach to scientific exploration of the deep has advantages and disadvantages.
(All photos: NOAA Ocean Explorer)

Biological Islands: Seamounts and Hydrothermal Vents

The abyssal plains are relative biological deserts. Rising from these plains are biological islands in the form of seamounts and hydrothermal vents. Collectively, seamount ecosystems are larger in area than any terrestrial biome. Together, they make up an area approximately the same size as the continent of South America. These ecosystems, however, are largely inaccessible to scientific study and barely understood by scientists (Figure 10.30).

Seamounts. (A) Locations of some of the world’s largest seamounts. (B) A sonar image of the Kawio Barat seamount in the Celebes Sea, south of the Philippines. The vertical heights of this seamount are color coded. From its base to its peak, it is about 3,000 m (10,000 ft) high.
(B. Image courtesy of INDEX 2010: Indonesia-USA Deep-Sea Exploration of the Sangihe Talaud Region)
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Like winds around a high mountain, ocean currents flow over and around large seamounts. These currents may accelerate and become turbulent, stirring up nutrients from the seafloor and bringing them to the sunlit surface. The nutrients stimulate phytoplankton blooms, which support other organisms. Many migratory species seek out and congregate above seamounts, including sharks, tuna, whales, and seabirds.

Like seamounts, hydrothermal vent communities are rich biological islands on the seafloor. Hydrothermal vent communities are unique ecosystems found at hydrothermal vents, volcanic hot springs that emit mineral-rich water. Seawater circulates through fissures in the crust and becomes heated to over 400°C (750°F) before emerging from the seafloor. The water becomes a stew of acids, sulfides, methane, and carbon dioxide as the rocks dissolve in it. Specialized bacteria metabolize these chemicals by the process of chemosynthesis, and other organisms feed on those bacteria. These hydrothermal vent communities get their energy from geothermal energy rather than solar energy. If the Sun were to stop shining, these organisms would probably not be affected, while the rest of the biosphere would disappear. The locations of some hydrothermal vents are shown in Figure 10.31.

Hydrothermal vents. (A) Hydrothermal vents occur in all five ocean basins. As mineral-rich water escapes from the seafloor, the minerals precipitate out, forming chimneys called black smokers. (B) This hydrothermal vent was photographed at a depth of 2,250 m (7,500 ft) near Vancouver, Canada, on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. More than 600 new animal species have been discovered at hydrothermal vents, including the deep-sea tube worms (Riftia pachyptila) seen here.
(B. © Verena Tunnicliffe, University of Victoria)

hydrothermal vent community

A unique ecosystem found at volcanic hot springs that emit mineral-rich water onto the seafloor.

hydrothermal vent communities

Unique ecosystems found at volcanic hot springs that emit mineral-rich water onto the seafloor.

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Reaping the Bounty: Industrial Fishing

All marine ecosystems, whether on the continental margins or in the open ocean, support fisheries of one type or another. A fishery is a region where fish are caught for human consumption. The livelihoods of about a half billion people, mostly in economically developing countries, are dependent on small-scale, local, and sustainable fishing. Sustainable fishing means that the amount of fish taken is equal to or less than the reproductive rate of the fish population.


A region where fish are caught for human consumption.

Unsustainable fishing occurs when fish are taken out of a fishery faster than the population can reproduce, causing the fish population to decline. Due to unsustainable fishing, about 30% of the world’s fisheries have collapsed, defined here as being reduced to 10% of their former fish populations.

A growing human population, coupled with advances in industrial fishing technology in the last five decades, is to blame for global fishery declines. The global fish catch peaked in 1989 at 90 million tons and has since leveled off or declined. The decline is not due to conservation efforts—there are now more fishing boats in the ocean than ever. Rather, it is due to the fact that there are fewer fish in the oceans now than in the past.

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Drift net fishing, trawling, longline fishing, and seining are four methods commonly employed in industrial fishing. Drift net fishing suspends large nets in the upper reaches of the ocean. Trawling drags nets through the water column or along the seafloor. Longline fishing employs thousands of baited hooks on lines up to 80 km (50 mi) in length. Seining encircles fish and traps them in a large net. These fishing methods invariably kill other marine species (Figure 10.32). Bycatch consists of unwanted organisms, such as birds and sea turtles, caught by industrial fishing methods. These organisms are usually thrown back to sea dead. Bycatch is a serious problem that threatens sea turtles, albatross, whales, dolphins, and many species of fish.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Addressing industrial fishing bycatch.
(Photo, C. Ortiz Rojas, NOAA)

drift net fishing

An industrial fishing method in which large nets are suspended in the upper reaches of the ocean.


An industrial fishing method in which nets are dragged through the water column or along the seafloor.

longline fishing

An industrial fishing method that employs thousands of baited hooks on lines up to 80 km (50 mi) in length.


An industrial fishing method that uses a large net to surround and catch fish.


Unwanted organisms caught by industrial fishing methods, which are usually thrown back to sea dead.

Approximately one-third of the world’s open-water shark species (over 100 species) are considered endangered or critically endangered due to forces such as habitat degradation and unsustainable fishing. Because sharks are keystone species in many marine ecosystems, healthy functioning of those ecosystems is compromised when sharks are lost. Worldwide, an estimated 75 million sharks are killed every year only for their fins, which are used to make shark fin soup (Figure 10.33).

Drying shark fins. Thousands of shark fins have been laid out to dry on this rooftop in Hong Kong, the capital of the shark fin industry. In the past, the fins were dried mostly on sidewalks. In recent years, rooftops have become the preferred location to dry the fins to avoid increasing scrutiny of this destructive practice.
(© Antony Dickson/AFP/Getty Images)
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