CHAPTER 11 Concept Review

CHAPTER 11 Concept Review

The Human Sphere: The Anthropocene

Question 11.26

1. What is the Anthropocene? When did it start?

11.1 Earth Formation

Question 11.27

2. What is a solar system? How many planets are in our solar system?

Question 11.28

3. What is a galaxy? What are galaxies composed of? What is the name of our galaxy?

Question 11.29

4. What units are used to measure the size of a galaxy? How big is our galaxy?

Question 11.30

5. What is the universe? What was the Big Bang and when did it happen?

Question 11.31

6. Describe the sequence of events that formed our solar system.

Question 11.32

7. How did the Moon form? When did it form?

Question 11.33

8. How did the atmosphere and oceans form?

Question 11.34

9. When did life first evolve? What kind of life was it?

11.2 Deep History: Geologic Time

Question 11.35

10. What is the geologic time scale? What marks the beginning or end of a division of time?

Question 11.36

11. How old is Earth?

Question 11.37

12. Review some of the major events that have occurred in Earth’s history and when they occurred.

Question 11.38

13. What is uniformitarianism? Use it to explain how a mountain range forms.

Question 11.39

14. Compare and contrast relative ages with absolute ages. How is each determined?

11.3 Anatomy of a Planet: Earth’s Internal Structure

Question 11.40

15. Why is Earth’s interior hot?

Question 11.41

16. What evidence is used to determine Earth’s internal structure?

Question 11.42

17. List the layers of Earth’s interior, starting from the core and moving outward to the crust.

Question 11.43

18. What generates Earth’s magnetic field? What does the magnetic field deflect?

Question 11.44

19. What is the difference between the magnetic North Pole and the geographic North Pole?

Question 11.45

20. What is the Moho?

Question 11.46

21. What are the two kinds of crust, and where is each of them found?

Question 11.47

22. Where on the planet is the crust thickest? Where is it thinnest?

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Question 11.48

23. Why is the lithosphere broken into plates?

11.4 Geographic Perspectives: Earth’s Heat and the Biosphere

Question 11.49

24. Explain the connection between the loss of the Martian magnetic field and the loss of that planet’s early atmosphere and oceans.

Question 11.50

25. Given what we know about Mars, how is Earth’s internal heat essential for life?

Question 11.51

26. What role do volcanoes have in forming Earth’s atmosphere and oceans?

Question 11.52

27. What role do volcanoes have in contributing to the greenhouse effect?

Question 11.53

28. How are the oceans and the greenhouse effect important to life on Earth?