CHAPTER 12 Focus Points
12.1 Continental Drift: Wegener’s Theory
Breakup of Pangaea: The supercontinent Pangaea split into Laurasia and Gondwana about 200 million years ago. The opening of the Atlantic Ocean led to the modern configuration of the contents.
Continental drift: Alfred Wegener was the first to formally propose the theory of continental drift, which states that continents move.
12.2 Plate Tectonics: An Ocean of Evidence
Plate tectonics theory: Plate tectonics theory addresses why and how lithospheric plates move.
Oceanographic evidence: Many forms of evidence from the ocean basins, including seafloor bathymetry, rock sample ages, and patterns of magnetization, led to the development and acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics.
Moving plates: Plate tectonics theory states that there are 14 major lithospheric plates that move independently of one another across the surface of the planet.
Plate boundaries: Earthquake activity reveals plate boundary locations.
How plates move: Ridge push, mantle drag, and slab pull move the lithospheric plates.
Plate velocity: The fastest relative plate movement is 18 cm (7 in) per year.
Unifying theory: Plate tectonics is a unifying theory that helps to explain many seemingly separate physical phenomena.
12.3 Plate Boundary Landforms
Plate boundaries: There are three types of plate boundaries: divergent plate boundaries, convergent plate boundaries, and transform plate boundaries.
Plate boundary landforms: Landforms created by plate movements include deep-
Rifting: Continental rifting splits a single continental landmass, creating a volcanic rift valley. Rifting can lead to new plate margins and a new ocean basin.
Plate recycling: Subduction recycles oceanic lithosphere into the mantle.
Buoyant continental crust: Continental lithosphere does not subduct. Because of this, Earth’s oldest crust is continental crust.
Accreted terranes: Much of western North America is the result of the accumulation of accreted terranes.
12.4 Hot Spots, Folding and Faulting, and Mountain Building
Hot spots: Hot spots are created where stationary mantle plumes melt through the crust.
Folding and faulting: Earth’s crust can be folded and faulted in response to tectonic stresses. Folding produces anticlines and synclines, and faulting produces earthquakes.
Orogenesis: Many mountain ranges form in orogenic belts along plate boundaries.
12.5 Geographic Perspectives: The Tibetan Plateau, Climate, and People
The Tibetan Plateau and people: About 20% of the human population relies on rivers that originate from glaciers and snowmelt on the Tibetan Plateau. Climate change threatens the food and water security of these populations.