15.2 Dissolving Rocks: Karst Landforms

Describe different kinds of karst landforms and explain how each forms.

In 1864, when Jules Verne’s book Journey to the Center of the Earth was published, its readers were transported to enormous subterranean caverns lighted by bioluminescent bacteria living on the caverns’ ceilings and filled with a deep subterranean ocean, on the shores of which were found giant mushrooms, petrified forests, and even living dinosaurs. Although these phenomena are not real, Verne’s imagination no doubt was inspired at least in part by subterranean karst caverns.

Karst refers to an area dominated by the weathering of carbonate rocks, usually limestone. The term karst is the German form of the Slovenian term kras, which means “barren landscape.” Groundwater plays a particularly important role in weathering limestone rocks and creating unusual surface landforms as well as subterranean cavern systems.


An area dominated by the weathering of carbonate rocks, usually limestone.

Karst Processes

Why do carbonate rocks dissolve in rainwater? As rain falls through the atmosphere, it absorbs a small amount of carbon dioxide from the air. Water also absorbs carbon dioxide as it flows through soil that is rich in organic substances. Once water has absorbed carbon dioxide, it forms carbonic acid. Through the process of carbonation, acidic water reacts with the calcite in limestone, causing dissolution, the process in which minerals are dissolved in water and carried away. The rock is dissolved most where it is weakest; namely, along joints in the rock (see Section 15.1).

In some cases, acids other than carbonic acid dissolve carbonate rocks. In the unusual case of Carlsbad Caverns and Lechuguilla Cave in New Mexico, for example, sulfuric acid that forms from natural oil deposits is dissolving the limestone bedrock.

Areas with limestone bedrock form the most widespread type of karst topography. All carbonate rocks, including marble, dolomite, gypsum, and chalk, are, however, subject to dissolution. Karst topography forms fastest in warm tropical regions. Although some Arctic regions have carbonate rocks, dissolution is greatly slowed there because water is frozen and chemically nonreactive for most of the year. Carbonate rocks susceptible to weathering by karst processes cover about 15% of Earth’s land surface (Figure 15.10).

Karst regions. This world map shows carbonate rocks exposed at the surface and subject to weathering by karst processes.
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A Riddled Surface: Karst Topography

On August 12, 2013, a sinkhole opened up beneath a resort home near Orlando, Florida (Figure 15.11A). Over a span of about 15 minutes half of the house had collapsed into the 60-foot diameter sinkhole, giving the occupants time to safely evacuate. Areas where karst processes prevail, such as Florida, are often referred to as having karst topography.

Sinkholes. (A) Most sinkholes form gradually as limestone at Earth’s surface dissolves and is carried away by water. Sinkholes can give way quickly, destroying structures built on them (inset photo). When the lowest elevation of a sinkhole is lower than the water table, a sinkhole lake forms. (B) This Landsat satellite image of Florida is centered on Orlando. The dark areas are surface waters. Most of the lakes visible here are sinkhole lakes. Some of them are as large as 15 km (9 mi) across. For scale, this image is about 200 km (124 mi) across.
(Top right: © Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel/MCT via Getty Images; B. EROS Center, U.S. Geological Survey)

Question 15.4

Why are homes sometimes swallowed by the ground?

Sinkholes are depressions that form when carbonate rocks dissolve. Any unlucky structures sitting over a forming sinkhole can be pulled into them.

A sinkhole (or doline) is a depression in Earth’s surface that results from the weathering of carbonate rock underground. In the United States, sinkholes are particularly common in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Michigan. Yet Florida has the greatest number of sinkholes. Between 2006 and 2010, Florida insurance companies paid out almost $2 billion for damage done by the state’s sinkholes. Florida also has the greatest number of sinkhole lakes: sinkholes that are filled with water, as shown in Figure 15.11B.


A depression in Earth’s surface resulting from the weathering of carbonate rock underground.

sinkhole lake

A sinkhole that has filled with water.

Many limestone karst regions are riddled with steep-walled depressions called collapse sinkholes. A collapse sinkhole is formed where the ceiling of a subterranean cavern has collapsed. Figure 15.12 illustrates the process of collapse sinkhole formation.

Collapse sinkhole formation. (A) The process of limestone weathering that leads to a collapse sinkhole can take thousands of years or more, but the collapse event happens in a matter of minutes after the ceiling of a subterranean cavern gives way. (B) The world’s largest collapse sinkhole, China’s Xiaozhai Tiankeng, located in Chongqing municipality, is a double collapse sinkhole 662 m (2,172 ft) deep. The larger depression formed first. The interior sinkhole formed later.
(B. Courtesy of John Gunn, University of Birmingham)

collapse sinkhole

A sinkhole formed where the ceiling of a cavern has collapsed.

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When the lowest level of a collapse sinkhole lies below the water table, a cenote forms. Most of the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico is composed of limestone, and it has many karst features, including cenotes (Figure 15.13). Another spectacular example of a collapse sinkhole is explored in Picture This.

Ik-Kil Cenote. This cenote on the Yucatán Peninsula is popular with swimmers. The edge of the cenote is draped with plant roots that reach all the way to the water below.
(© Pola Damonte/Flickr Open/Getty Images)

In karst regions, flowing groundwater often excavates subterranean caverns. The fastest dissolution of limestone occurs just below the water table, where the groundwater acidity is highest. As a result, limestone caverns often run parallel to the ground surface, following bedding planes in the limestone. If the water table drops, a new series of horizontal caverns may start forming below the old series of caverns (Figure 15.14).

GEO-GRAPHIC: Development of karst caverns and karst topography. Karst topography can form where cavern systems have been exposed at the ground surface.


Karst topography

There are few surface streams in karst regions because water flows underground through cavern systems. The surface streams that are found there usually flow for only short stretches, then disappear into the ground. A stream that leaves the ground surface and flows into subterranean channels is called a disappearing stream (Figure 15.15).

Disappearing stream. This small stream in West Virginia is spilling over a resistant shale cliff that is sandwiched between layers of limestone. Notice that the stream emerges from above the shale as a spring and flows back into a subterranean channel as a disappearing stream.
(© James Van Gundy)

disappearing stream

A stream that leaves the ground surface and flows into subterranean channels.

Question 15.5

What is a disappearing stream?

A disappearing stream is a stream that leaves the ground surface and flows into a hidden subterranean cavern system.

Many unique landforms are associated with limestone karst topography. Limestone pavement, for example, is a type of bare surface consisting of deeply weathered limestone (Figure 15.16). It is found where exposed limestone bedrock has been dissolved by rainwater and an overlying cover of soil and vegetation is absent.

Limestone pavement. This limestone pavement near Malham, North Yorkshire, England, has weathered along relatively weak linear joints in the bedrock, giving it the appearance of having been built by people.
(© Adam Burton/Robert Harding World Imagery/Getty Images)

Picture This

(© Greg Johnson/Lonely Planet Images/Getty Images)

The Great Blue Hole, Belize

The Great Blue Hole, in Belize, is a submarine collapse sinkhole that formed during the most recent glacial period, when sea levels were about 85 m (280 ft) lower than they are today. As the continental ice sheets melted about 10,000 years ago (see Section 6.2), sea level rose, and the collapse sinkhole was inundated with seawater. Coral reefs now fringe the sinkhole and support rich marine biodiversity. The Great Blue Hole, which is about 300 m (984 ft) across and 125 m (410 ft) deep, is among the largest sinkholes on Earth.

Consider This

  1. Question 15.6

    How did the Great Blue Hole form?

  2. Question 15.7

    Why could this collapse sinkhole not have formed after sea level rose?

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Cockpit karst is a limestone surface with a topography dramatically different from limestone pavement. Cockpit karst consists of vegetated rounded hills formed by limestone weathering (Figure 15.17A).

Cockpit karst and karst spires. (A) The Chocolate Hills, in Bohol Province in the Philippines, are a spectacular example of cockpit karst topography. (B) The Tsingy is a weathered limestone plateau in the Melaky region of western Madagascar that is composed of karst spires. The pattern of weathering was shaped by vertical jointing in the limestone bedrock, resulting in these sharp spires. Because of its unique landforms and the unique species found among them, the area is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
(A. © Per Andre Hoffman/Picture Press/Getty Images; B. © Inaki Caperochipi/age fotostock/Getty Images)

In other cases, rather than rounded hills, karst processes create karst spires. In Madagascar, a “stone forest” called the Tsingy seemingly grows from the ground. Sharp pinnacles and pointed spires of limestone form a labyrinthine landscape that covers several thousand square kilometers and is almost completely inaccessible to people (Figure 15.17B).

As a landscape’s surface is lowered by karst processes, pinnacles of tower karst may form where weak vertical joints focus the dissolution of the rock along vertical planes (Figure 15.18).

Tower karst. Southern China has extensive exposures of limestone and the world’s best examples of tower karst. This 400 m (1,312 ft) high karst tower is in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, near Zhangjiajie City in northern Hunan Province, China.
(© Feng Wei Photography/Flickr RF/Getty Images)

A Hidden World: Subterranean Karst

In regions with limestone bedrock, subterranean caverns are common. In the open air of karst caverns, water seeping from the ground surface outside enters through the cavern ceiling and drips and flows across the ceiling and down the walls. Minerals such as calcium carbonate are slowly precipitated out of the flowing and dripping water. These minerals accumulate into formations called speleothems (or cavern formations).


A cavern formation that forms by precipitation of calcium carbonate.

Dripstones are speleothems formed by precipitation of calcium carbonate by dripping water. Flowstones are sheetlike calcium carbonate deposits formed along the edges that water drops flow down before they drip. Dripstones and flowstones, which form extremely slowly, are commonly several hundred thousand years old. Among the most common dripstones are stalactites, formations that grow from the ceiling downward. Conversely, stalagmites grow from the cavern floor upward as water drips from stalactites. A limestone column is a cylindrical dripstone that results when a stalactite joins with a stalagmite. Stalactites often form a hollow structure called a soda straw when they first begin forming. Examples of these speleothems are shown in Figure 15.19.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Dripstone development. (A) Dripstones form as water drips through the open air of a cavern and deposits calcium carbonate. (B) The Frasassi Caves, near the town of Genga, Italy, contain excellent examples of dripstones. The inset photo shows a polished cross-section of a stalactite and the hollow soda straw center that forms in the stalactite.
(B. left, © A. de Gregorio/DeAgostini/Getty Images; right, © David K. Lynch)


A speleothem that grows from the ceiling of a cavern downward.


A speleothem that grows from the floor of a cavern upward.

limestone column

A cylindrical speleothem resulting when a stalactite joins with a stalagmite.

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When the climate is wetter, more water drips from speleothems, and calcium carbonate builds slightly faster than during dry periods. If, however, the water table rises enough to flood the cavern again, the speleothems will stop growing. Similarly, if water stops flowing into the cavern and the ceilings and walls become dry, speleothem growth will stop. For this reason, speleothems play an important role in paleoclimatology (see Section 6.2). They have been used to provide detailed climate reconstructions spanning several hundred thousand years. If the average rate of speleothem growth is known, the age of the speleothems can be estimated (Crunch the Numbers).

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Calculating the Age of a Speleothem

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Calculating the Age of a Speleothem

Question 15.8

Assume that speleothem growth occurs at a constant rate of 0.01 mm (0.000393 in) in radius per year. How old is a limestone column that is 1.5 m (4.92 ft) in radius? (Note that there are 1,000 millimeters in a meter and 12 inches in a foot.) For this calculation, divide the radius by the growth rate.