CHAPTER 15 Concept Review

CHAPTER 15 Concept Review

The Human Sphere: Weathering Mount Rushmore

Question 15.38

1. Why is weathering such a concern to the people responsible for maintaining the Mount Rushmore National Memorial?

15.1 Weathering Rocks

Question 15.39

2. Geothermal energy builds vertical relief. Where does the energy that reduces vertical relief come from?

Question 15.40

3. Compare and contrast the processes of weathering and erosion. What does weathering do to rocks? What does erosion do to rocks and rock fragments?

Question 15.41

4. What is denudation? What processes denude Earth’s surface?

Question 15.42

5. What is physical weathering? Geographically, where is it most common? Give examples of physical weathering processes.

Question 15.43

6. Why are joints important to the process of weathering?

Question 15.44

7. What is exfoliation? Where does it occur?

Question 15.45

8. What is frost wedging? Where does it take place?

Question 15.46

9. Besides frost wedging, what two other types of physical weathering break rocks apart? Briefly explain each.

Question 15.47

10. Describe chemical weathering and give examples of chemical reactions that cause it.

Question 15.48

11. Geographically, where is chemical weathering the dominant weathering process?

Question 15.49

12. What is differential weathering? How does it relate to jointing and bedding planes?

Question 15.50

13. Give three examples of landforms created by differential weathering.

15.2 Dissolving Rocks: Karst Landforms

Question 15.51

14. What is karst? What processes give rise to karst landforms?

Question 15.52

15. In which type of bedrock is karst most commonly found?

Question 15.53

16. What is a sinkhole and how does one form?

Question 15.54

17. What is a collapse sinkhole and how does one form?

Question 15.55

18. What is a sinkhole lake?

Question 15.56

19. What is a karst cavern? Where do karst caverns form in relation to the water table?

Question 15.57

20. Explain what a disappearing stream is and how it forms.

Question 15.58

21. What is limestone pavement?

Question 15.59

22. Explain how cockpit karst and tower karst form.

Question 15.60

23. What are speleothems? Why do they form only when the water table drops below a karst cavern?

Question 15.61

24. What are dripstones and flowstones?

Question 15.62

25. Contrast stalactites, stalagmites, and limestone columns. How does each form?

15.3 Unstable Ground: Mass Movement

Question 15.63

26. What is a mass movement event? What single factor do all kinds of mass movements share?

Question 15.64

27. What are resistance and downslope forces in the context of mass movement events? Give examples of how each force can change.

Question 15.65

28. What happens when the resistance force exceeds the downslope force? What happens when the downslope force exceeds the resistance force?

Question 15.66

29. Review the different types of mass movements and the settings in which each occurs.

Question 15.67

30. What are the differences between flows and landslides?

Question 15.68

31. Define an avalanche. Are all avalanches composed of snow?

Question 15.69

32. What is talus? What is a talus cone? How do rockfall chutes relate to talus cones?

15.4 Geographic Perspectives: Deadly Mass Movements

Question 15.70

33. What natural and anthropogenic factors increase the chance of a mass movement event?

Question 15.71

34. Can scientists predict landslides with accuracy?

Question 15.72

35. Explain how scientific tools have helped reduce human vulnerability to mass movement disasters.

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