CHAPTER 16 Test Yourself
Take this quiz to test your chapter knowledge.
1. True or false? Every drainage basin has a trunk stream.
A. |
B. |
2. True or false? Merging two second-
A. |
B. |
3. True or false? Flash floods are typically more dangerous than seasonal floods.
A. |
B. |
4. True or false? Exotic streams flow through arid regions and dry up before reaching the ocean.
A. |
B. |
5. Multiple choice: Which of the following features is not associated with stream meanders?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
6. Multiple choice: Waterfalls migrate upstream through the process of ______________.
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
7. Multiple choice: Internal drainage basins are most likely to have which one of the following?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
8. Multiple choice: Stream terraces are created when which of the following occurs?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
9. Fill in the blank: At ______________, a stream stops flowing and becomes standing water.
10. Fill in the blank: A ______________ separates two different drainage basins that flow into different oceans.