CHAPTER 17 Concept Review

CHAPTER 17 Concept Review

The Human Sphere: The Mammoth Hunters

Question 17.38

1. About when did the mainland mammoth populations in North America and Eurasia disappear? Why did the mammoth go extinct?

Question 17.39

2. Why do people seek the remains of mammoths preserved in frozen ground?

17.1 Frozen Ground: Periglacial Environments

Question 17.40

3. What does “periglacial” mean? Are there glaciers in periglacial environments?

Question 17.41

4. What is permafrost, and how is it defined? Where does it occur?

Question 17.42

5. Why are many Arctic lakes emitting methane?

Question 17.43

6. What are pingos? What is patterned ground? Explain how they form.

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Question 17.44

7. In the context of the active layer, explain why “drunken forests” occur. Why might rail lines and pipelines sink into permafrost? How do engineers prevent sinking from happening?

17.2 About Glaciers

Question 17.45

8. What is glacial drift? Give examples of drift.

Question 17.46

9. What is a glacier? Where are glaciers found?

Question 17.47

10. What are the three steps to glacier formation? What two requirements must first be met before a glacier can begin to form?

Question 17.48

11. By what two processes do glaciers move?

Question 17.49

12. What is glacier mass balance? Compare and contrast the zone of accumulation, the zone of ablation, and the equilibrium line.

Question 17.50

13. What is a glacier’s toe? Why does it move upslope and downslope?

Question 17.51

14. What does it mean to say that a glacier is in retreat? What is retreating? What causes a glacier to retreat?

Question 17.52

15. Compare and contrast the geographic settings of an alpine glacier and an ice sheet. How do their sizes compare?

Question 17.53

16. What are the four types of alpine glaciers? Describe where each occurs.

Question 17.54

17. What is an iceberg? How does one form?

17.3 Carving by Ice: Glacial Erosion

Question 17.55

18. What effect does glacial erosion have on mountain height?

Question 17.56

19. What are plucking and abrasion? How do these processes allow glacial ice to carve into hard bedrock?

Question 17.57

20. What are glacial striations and glacial polish?

Question 17.58

21. What is glacial flour? What effect does it have on the appearance of a lake?

Question 17.59

22. By what two means are rock fragments moved downslope by glaciers?

Question 17.60

23. What is an outwash plain? Where and how do they form?

Question 17.61

24. What is a glaciofluvial process?

Question 17.62

25. What is a proglacial lake? Where do they form?

Question 17.63

26. Describe a cirque and explain how cirques form.

Question 17.64

27. What are arêtes, horns, and cols, and how do they form?

Question 17.65

28. Describe the shape of a glacial valley. What kind of glacier forms glacial valleys?

Question 17.66

29. Compare a trunk glacier with a tributary glacier. Describe how a hanging valley forms from these glaciers.

Question 17.67

30. What are paternoster lakes and how do they form?

Question 17.68

31. What is a fjord? Why are there no fjords at middle and low latitudes?

17.4 Building by Ice: Glacial Deposition

Question 17.69

32. Why are stream deposits sorted but glacial deposits unsorted?

Question 17.70

33. What is till? What is the relationship of till to moraines?

Question 17.71

34. Differentiate between lateral, medial, terminal, and recessional moraines.

Question 17.72

35. Describe the formation of drumlins, eskers, and kettle holes in the context of ice sheet deposits.

Question 17.73

36. What is loess and how does it form?

17.5 Geographic Perspectives: Polar Ice Sheets and Sea Level

Question 17.74

37. On what continent is most of the cryosphere’s ice stored? As a percentage, how much of the cryosphere is on that continent?

Question 17.75

38. Describe Greenland’s loss of ice in terms of the number of summer melt days, changing ice sheet albedo, and outlet glacier flow rates.

Question 17.76

39. What is a supraglacial lake? How is it related to the speed of outflow glaciers on Greenland?

Question 17.77

40. What large ice shelf recently broke apart? Explain the role of supraglacial lakes in causing it to break apart.

Question 17.78

41. What happens to the speed of an outlet glacier when an ice shelf that supports it breaks apart?

Question 17.79

42. How much has sea level risen in the last century? How much could sea level rise by the end of this century?

Question 17.80

43. How many people worldwide live in coastal areas within 1 m of sea level?