CHAPTER 18 Concept Review
The Human Sphere: Flooding in the World’s Driest Place
1. Why must Antofagasta guard against flooding when it is in one of the driest places on Earth?
18.1 Desert Landforms and Processes
2. What single physical characteristic defines all deserts?
3. What three major physical factors create deserts?
4. Which is more important in deserts, physical or chemical weathering? Why?
5. What is rock varnish? How does it form?
6. What is a petroglyph? On what surface are petroglyphs often made?
7. What and when was the Green Sahara? What caused it? What is the evidence for it? How were people affected by it?
8. What is aeolian erosion? What similarities do aeolian erosion and fluvial erosion share?
9. What is a ventifact and how does it form? In this context, what are pedestal rocks and yardangs?
10. Describe the main physical aspects of a sand dune and describe how a sand dune migrates.
11. What are the major types of sand dunes?
12. Why do some sand dunes “sing”?
13. What is sand dune stabilization? How does it relate to reversing desertification?
14. Deserts are dry places. Why, then, is water the most important agent of erosion in deserts?
15. Give examples of local geographic names for ephemeral desert streams.
16. Where and how do bajadas form?
17. What is a playa lake? A playa? A saline lake? Explain how each forms.
18.2 Desert Landscapes
18. What is a reg? Compare the formation of lag deposits with the formation of desert pavement.
19. What is an erg? Where, geographically, are they most common?
20. What is mesa-
21. What are inselbergs? Explain how they develop.
22. What is basin-
23. What are badlands?
18.3 Geographic Perspectives: Shrinking Desert Lakes
24. Why do the levels of lakes in internal drainage basins fluctuate easily?
25. How are people causing large desert lakes worldwide to shrink?
26. Where was the Aral Sea? What happened to it?
27. Why are there now toxic dust storms in the Aral Sea Basin?
28. What do desert lakes in the Great Basin in the western United States have in common with the Aral Sea?
29. What happened to Owens Lake that nearly happened to Mono Lake? Why are there toxic dust storms in Owens Valley today?
30. Is Mono Lake’s situation getting worse, stable, or improving? Explain.