CHAPTER 19 Concept Review
The Human Sphere: Mavericks
1. How do waves derive their energy from the Sun?
19.1 Coastal Processes: Tides, Waves, and Longshore Currents
2. What are tides? Why do they occur? Compare flood tides with ebb tides.
3. Compare neap tides with spring tides. Explain why each occurs.
4. How do waves form on the ocean’s surface?
5. Compare a wave of oscillation with a wave of translation. Which one moves floating objects and water forward?
6. What factors contribute to wave height?
7. Why do waves approach nearly parallel to the coast?
8. What are longshore currents and longshore drift, and what causes them?
19.2 Coastal Landforms: Beaches and Rocky Coasts
9. What are emergent and submergent coastlines? What causes each? What landforms are most common in each?
10. What are eustasy and isostasy? What causes each?
11. What are the five major categories of coastlines?
12. Why are some beaches white and others black?
13. What is a shingle beach?
14. What is a barrier island?
15. How do inland dams and their reservoirs affect sediment transport to beaches?
16. How do scientists monitor movement of sand on a beach? What instruments do they use?
17. What physical structures are emplaced on a beach to slow the loss of sand?
18. What landforms are found along rocky coastlines?
19. What is a marine terrace? In what two ways do marine terraces form?
20. What is cliff retreat? What causes it?
19.3 Geographic Perspectives: The Sisyphus Stone of Beach Nourishment
21. Why is beach erosion a problem?
22. What is beach nourishment?
23. What are the underlying problems causing beach erosion around the world?
24. How well does beach nourishment address the problem of beach erosion? Give the pros and cons of this approach.