I am particularly grateful to the following people for their significant contributions to the book:
David Call (Ball State University)
Janice Hayden (Dixie State College of Utah)
Ingrid Luffman (East Tennessee State University)
I also express most sincere appreciation to the reviewers who contributed their knowledge, expertise, and time to Living Physical Geography:
Victoria Alapo, Metropolitan Community College—
Faran Ali, Simon Fraser University
Jake Armour, University of North Carolina—Charlotte
Tamara Biegas, University of Texas at San Antonio
Wayne Brew, Montgomery County Community College
Robin Buckallew, Central Community College
Michaela Buenemann, New Mexico State University
Ke Chen, East Tennessee State University
Sam Copeland, State University of New York—
Richard Crooker, Kutztown University
Daryl Dagesse, Brock University
Carolyn Damato, Salem State University
Jeremy Dillon, University of Nebraska at Kearney
Taly Drezner, York University
Josh Durkee, Western Kentucky University
Robert Edsall, Carthage College
Tracy Edwards, Frostburg State University
William Garcia, University of North Carolina—Charlotte
Colleen Garrity, State University of New York at Geneseo
Greg Gaston, University of North Alabama
Christopher Gentry, Austin Peay State University
Dusty Girard, Brookhaven College
J. Scott Greene, University of Oklahoma
Michael Grossman, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Hillary Hamann, University of Denver
William Hansen, Worcester University
Paul Hanson, University of Nebraska—Lincoln
Megan Harlow, Orange Coast College
Mark Hecht, Mount Royal University
Delia Heck, Ferrum College
Patricia Heiser, Carroll College
Chasidy Hobbs, University of West Florida
Margaret Holzer, Rutgers University
Chris Houser, Texas A&M University
Solomon Isiorho, Indiana University—
Renee Jacobsen, California State University, San Bernardino
Brian Jones, University of Alberta
Don Jonsson, Austin Community College
Ranbir S. Kang, Western Illinois University
Wilberg Karigomba, Northwest Area Community College
Ryan Kelly, Bluegrass Community & Technical College
William Kelvey, Carroll Community College
John Keyantash, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Thomas Krabacher, California State University, Sacramento
Barry Kronenfeld, Eastern Illinois University
Michael Lewis, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Karl Lillquist, Central Washington University
Bruce Lindquist, Leeward Community College
Jennifer Lipton, Central Washington University
Taylor Mack, Louisiana Tech University
Steven Marsh, University of the Fraser Valley
Yvonne Martin, University of Calgary
Larry McGlinn, State University of New York at New Paltz
Armando Mendoza, Cypress College
Andrew Mercer, Mississippi State University
Peter Meserve, Fresno City College
Robert Milligan, Northern Virginia Community College— Woodbridge
Peter Muller, University of Miami
Steve Namikas, Louisiana State University
Elsa Nickl, University of Delaware
Abby Norton-
Thomas Orf, Las Positas College
Barry Perlmutter, College of Southern Nevada
Arliss S. Perry, Wright State University
Abdullah F. Rahman, Indiana University
Max W. Reams, Olivet Nazarene University
Ronald Reynolds, Bridgewater State University
Shouraseni Sen Roy, University of Miami
Ruth Ruud, Cleveland State University
David Sallee, University of North Texas/Tarrant County College
Ginger Schmid, Minnesota State University
David Shankman, University of Alabama
Andrew Shears, Kent State University
Erica A. H. Smithwick, Pennsylvania State University
Jane Southworth, University of Florida
Susanna Tong, University of Cincinnati
Cornelis J. van der Veen, University of Kansas
Scott Walker, Northwest Vista College
Megan Walsh, Central Washington University
James Wanket, California State University, Sacramento
Brad Watkins, University of Central Oklahoma
Theresa Watson, Central New Mexico Community College
Forrest Wilkerson, Minnesota State University
Sonja Yow, Eastern Kentucky University
Danlin Yu, Montclair State University
I am deeply grateful for the bedrock support provided by my family while I was writing this book. Thank you, Nancy, for being an inspiration while I was working through and forming many ideas. Thank you, Katherine and Natalie, for your patience while dad was out in the “shed” writing, and thanks for helping me with photo selections. I am immensely grateful for my family’s love of nature and enjoyment of visiting wild places.
It was an honor to work with the staff at W. H. Freeman. I was so impressed by their friendly and professional demeanor and their generous support. My sincerest thanks to Steven Rigolosi for believing in my idea when I first presented it to him and for his guidance every step of the way. Steve provided many of the innovative ideas that have helped strengthen the book, and he has been a colleague and friend throughout. For that I am deeply appreciative. Thank you to Charles Linsmeier for his direction in the latter stages of the book.
Thanks to project editor Enrico Bruno and managing editor Lisa Kinne for their meticulous attention to all details great and small. I am thankful to Diana Blume, design manager, who did page makeup and helped assemble the pages in their final form, as well as to Matt McAdams, art manager, who oversaw the creation of the figures and illustrations. The assistance of Lukia Kliossis with assembling the animations and videos, as well as all the rich content in LaunchPad, is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Sheena Goldstein for guiding the manuscript through photo research and permissions. Thank you to Stephanie Ellis in market development, Taryn Burns in marketing, and to their colleagues in the field who have advocated for the value of this student-
It was a great pleasure to work with development editor Donald Gecewicz. Don brought new ideas to the book and provided invaluable help in seeing both the big picture and the smallest of details. My thanks also to copyeditor Norma Sims Roche for her outstanding work on polishing the manuscript’s text and fine-
I thank my colleagues in the Geography Department at California State University, Sacramento, James Wanket and Thomas Krabacher, for their assistance and feedback in developing the manuscript. I appreciate the support provided by the Department of Geography and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at California State University, Sacramento. I am in debt to Ted Erski from McHenry County College for the hard work and long hours he put into writing Living Physical Geography in the Laboratory, the outstanding laboratory manual that accompanies this book. I am deeply appreciative of the input of the professional reviewers, my colleagues in the discipline, for combing through the early draft manuscripts and helping me hone the material. I have also benefited greatly from my experiences in the classroom and the field. Without my students, this book would not have been written. Thank you.