12.3 Repeated Games

You now know how to find the Nash equilibrium (or equilibria) in a game in which the players make simultaneous moves. One of the examples we went over was the prisoner’s dilemma Warner Brothers and Disney faced in choosing whether to advertise (Table 12.1). Both firms would be better off if they could coordinate so that neither company advertises, but each firm has the individual incentive to advertise, so the firms are stuck making lower profits than they would if they could coordinate their decisions.


Now consider a perfectly sensible question: Would it matter if these firms played this prisoner’s dilemma game twice in a row? The basic problem in a prisoner’s dilemma is that neither firm has the individual incentive to cooperate with the other, even though both would be better off if they could jointly agree to do so. It seems reasonable that if players know they are going to end up in the same situation again (and perhaps again and again), they might have a better chance of coordinating their actions in a mutually beneficial way. In this section, we examine this issue and learn how to analyze repeated games that are more general than prisoner’s dilemmas.

Finitely Repeated Games

When a simultaneous game is played repeatedly, players’ strategies consist of actions taken during each repetition. If a game is played twice, players’ strategies will involve what they do in both Periods 1 and 2. Players can even develop fancy strategies that change the second-period decision depending on what happens in the first.

So, how do we analyze the Warner Brothers–Disney prisoner’s dilemma if it is played twice—first for one pair of movies (The LEGO Movie 2 vs. Frozen 2), and then for a second pair (The LEGO Movie 3 vs. Frozen 3)? Would repeated play lead to an outcome in which neither firm advertises?

backward induction

The process of solving a multistep game by first solving the last step and then working backward.

To answer this question, we first have to figure out how to think about games that are played more than once. The way to do this—not only for repeated prisoner’s dilemmas like the one here, but also for any game with multiple rounds of play—is to use backward induction and solve the game from the end. Once you determine what happens in the last period of the game, you next ask what players would do in the period before the final one, given that they know how all the other players will act in the last period. (They know because they can analyze the game’s last period just as you can.) You repeat this process for as many steps as there are in a game, working backward one step at a time, until you can solve for the outcome in the first period. At that stage, you’ll have figured out the players’ optimal strategies at all points in the game.

In our example game here, there are only two periods or steps, so backward induction is easy. First, we know that whatever might happen in the first period, the second period is the end of the interaction. So, when the two players get to the second and final period, they will be facing a one-shot prisoner’s dilemma.

Unfortunately for the firms, the fact that the final period is a one-shot prisoner’s dilemma means that, despite our speculation that it might be possible, cooperation in both periods (or either period, for that matter) is not a Nash equilibrium. Here’s why. Suppose Warner Brothers knows for sure that Disney will agree not to advertise in both periods. Warner Brothers’ best response in the last period, because it’s just a one-shot prisoner’s dilemma, is to cheat on the agreement and advertise. (After all, Disney can’t do anything to punish them for cheating. It’s the end of their interaction.) The logic works the other way, too: Disney will also advertise in the second period, no matter what.

Now you can probably see how things will unravel. Both players realize in the first period that they will both end up cheating in the second. It’s going to be every firm for itself. But if they know this is how things will go down, what’s the point of cooperating (by not advertising) in the first period? If a studio violates the first-period agreement and advertises, there can’t be any special punishment in Period 2—it already knows what’s going to happen. So, the first period becomes essentially another one-shot prisoner’s dilemma, and we know the outcome of that from our discussion above: Both players cheat (advertise).


There goes that idea: As long as everyone knows when the game will end, repeated play doesn’t help players solve their cooperation problems in prisoner’s dilemmas. In every period, the Nash equilibrium remains the same as it was in the one-period setup.

Adding more periods won’t matter, either. Even if the game is repeated 50 more times (finishing with The LEGO Movie 53 vs. Frozen 53), the 52nd and final period will still be a one-shot game in which both firms go with their dominant strategies and advertise. In the 51st period, the firms realize that period 52 will be a cheatfest, so Period 51 becomes a one-shot game in which both firms advertise. The logic continues (and any nonadvertising agreements unravel) all the way back to the first period.

Not every game played across multiple periods is a repeated prisoner’s dilemma like this one. But the use of backward induction is a standard technique that can be applied to determine equilibria in other types of multiple-period games. We look at examples of multiple-period games later in the chapter.

Infinitely Repeated Games

It turns out the prisoner’s dilemma conundrum isn’t completely hopeless, though. There is a possible way out (or, more specifically, a possible way to cooperate). The problem with the repeated game scenario that we just discussed is that everyone knows when the last period is, so they know that all players will cheat in the last period. This knowledge causes everything before the last period to unravel. But what if the players don’t know for sure when the last period is? Or, if the players thought of themselves as playing the game over and over, forever?

The first thing you have to do in this seemingly odd game is specify a strategy for every period. This could become massively complex, given all the different orders in which a player could take actions. To make things easy, let’s consider the following simple strategy. Warner Brothers does not advertise in the first period and continues not to advertise as long as Disney doesn’t break the agreement and advertise. If Disney ever advertises, Warner Brothers abandons the deal and advertises from that point forward, forever. Disney’s strategy is the mirror image of this: Don’t advertise at first and stick to the agreement as long as Warner Brothers doesn’t advertise, but switch to advertising from then on if Warner Brothers ever advertises.

Is this set of strategies a Nash equilibrium when the game is played forever, or perhaps more realistically, where the game could end in any particular period, but the players never know when exactly the last period will come?

Because there is no final period in this game that the players can predict precisely, we can’t use backward induction. The way to think about Nash equilibria in this case is to weigh what a player could gain at any given point from trying something different from her current strategy. The logic of this approach comes straight from the definition of a Nash equilibrium: A player is doing as well as possible given the actions of the other players. If we can show that any change of strategy would make the player worse off, we know that sticking with the current strategy is a best response. If we can show this same thing for all of the players, we know the strategies result in a Nash equilibrium.

Let’s try that here. Suppose Warner Brothers decides to break with the cooperative “Don’t Advertise” strategy and starts advertising even though Disney hasn’t advertised. We know that Warner Brothers will experience a short-term gain in this period because even though Warner Brothers advertises, Disney does not—remember, we’re holding the actions of the other player fixed, so Disney will be playing the cooperative strategy of not advertising. This strategy is shown in the upper-right payoff box of Table 12.8 (a reprint of Table 12.1): Warner Brothers will make $350 million this period and Disney will lose $25 million.

Warner Brothers pays a price for its cheating ways, however. When it violates the agreement, Disney stops cooperating in the future. Having chosen to advertise in some period, Warner Brothers will have to duke it out with Disney from that point forward. Both firms will advertise all future films, and each studio will earn $150 million each time the game is played.


Table 12.8 The Single-Period Payoffs of an Infinitely Repeated Advertising Game*

What is Warner Brothers’ payoff from cheating? It earns $350 million in the current period. In the next and every following period, it earns $150 million. Let’s allow for a firm to care somewhat less about future payoffs than current payoffs. We embody this discounting of the future with the variable d. (We will discuss the origin and impact of the discount rate and how to compute a “present value” for future payments in Chapter 14.) This variable is a number between 0 and 1, and it shows what a payoff in the next period is worth in the current period. That is, the firm views $1 in the next period as being worth $d today. If d = 0, the player doesn’t care at all about the future: Any payoff in the next period (or following periods) is considered worthless today. If d = 1, the player makes no distinction between future payoffs and today’s payoffs; they are all equally valuable. A higher d means the player cares more about the future, making the value of future payments greater.3

Let’s write down Warner Brothers’ payoff if it decides to break from the “Don’t Advertise” strategy and advertise in the current period:

Payoff from breaking away:

350 + d × (150) + d2 × (150) + d3 × (150) + . . .

Notice how payoffs further in the future are discounted more and more, because d is a per-period discount. What we have to do is compare this to the payoff Warner Brothers receives by sticking with the “Don’t Advertise” strategy and earning $200 million in this and every future period:

Payoff from sticking with the “Don’t Advertise” strategy:

200 + d × (200) + d2 × (200) + d3 × (200) + . . .

The analysis is the same for Disney’s choice of adhering to the “Don’t Advertise” strategy or reneging and surprise advertising in one period. If we can show that the payoff from sticking with the strategy is greater than the payoff from breaking away, we know that the outcome of pursuing the cooperative “Don’t Advertise” strategy is a Nash equilibrium. This is true if

200 + d × (200) + d2 × (200) + d3 × (200) + . . . > 350 + d × (150) + d2 × (150) + d3 × (150) + . . .

50 × (d + d2 + d3 + . . .) > 150

(d + d2 + d3 + . . .) > 3

To solve for d, we can use a simple math trick, d + d2 + d3 + . . . = d/(1 – d) for any d between zero and one (0 ≤ d > 1), and substitute it into the equation above:



What does this mean? As long as Warner Brothers and Disney care enough about the future—as long as they view $1 in the next period to be worth at least as much as $0.75 in this period—they can earn higher expected profits by cooperating and not advertising than they could by unilaterally deviating and advertising today, setting off a cheating battle forever after. In other words, both firms cooperating (i.e., not advertising) is a Nash equilibrium in this game.

This “caring about the future” condition makes sense. Choosing to cooperate is about skipping a big payoff (profit) right now that the firm could earn by cheating on the agreement in order to get a stream of higher payoffs (profits) in the future by cooperating. This can be seen in Figure 12.1, which shows Warner Brothers’ and Disney’s payoffs in each period for the two options. Cooperating by sticking with “Don’t Advertise” leads to a steady payoff of $200 million per period. Breaking away from the agreement by advertising leads to a larger $350 million payoff in the first period but a lower $150 million payoff every period after that. The more players care about the future—the larger d is—the more willing they are to sustain those future cooperative payouts. If this isn’t quite clear to you, suppose d = 0, meaning that neither Warner Brothers nor Disney cares about future payoffs at all. Then the only relevant payoffs for both firms are those of the one-period prisoner’s dilemma, and we know in such a case that advertising is a dominant strategy for both firms. There’s no reason to cooperate when you don’t care about the future, which is where the benefit from cooperating is earned.

Figure 12.1: FIGURE 12.1 Payoffs from Cooperating and Cheating
Figure 12.1: In the repeated advertising game between Warner Brothers and Disney, if a firm chooses to continue cooperating by sticking with the “Don’t Advertise” strategy, it earns a steady payoff of $200 million per period. If it instead breaks away from the agreement by advertising, it earns a larger $350 million payoff in that period but a lower $150 million payoff every period after that.

grim trigger strategy or grim reaper strategy

A strategy in which cooperative play ends permanently when one player cheats.


A strategy in which the player mimics her opponent’s prior-period action in each round; for example, the player cheats when her opponent cheated in the preceding round and cooperates when her opponent cooperated in the previous round.

By the way, the strategy we analyzed here—in which the players cooperate as long as they both cooperate, but stop cooperating forever if one player cheats—is called the grim trigger strategy (or grim reaper strategy). Like a visit from the grim reaper, the punishment for deviating from cooperation, never cooperating again, is permanent for both players. In an alternative strategy, known as tit-for-tat, players initially cooperate and then do exactly whatever their opponent has done in the prior period. If the opponent cooperated last period, then the player cooperates this period. If the opponent cheated instead, then the player cheats until her opponent cooperates again (allowing the player to punish the opponent’s cheating for one period in the process). The outcome of the tit-for-tat strategy is a little more complicated to work through than that of the grim trigger strategy, but a tit-for-tat strategy can also support cooperation as a Nash equilibrium in an infinitely repeated game if firms care sufficiently about the future. Tit-for-tat is also appealing because it closely matches the types of actions we often see in the real world. For example, gas stations situated across the road from each other will often engage in price wars in which each reduction in price by one station is quickly matched by the other. This situation is like the noncooperative breakdown in a repeated prisoner’s dilemma—both stations would prefer coordinating on higher prices, but each has the incentive to cut prices to sell a higher quantity. However, quite often if one station relents and actually raises its price in an attempt to start cooperating, the other station will follow suit rather than insisting on the grim strategy of keeping prices low forever.


Now we’ve identified the factors that can make coordination in a prisoner’s dilemma a Nash equilibrium: The players cannot determine when the game will end, and the players have to care sufficiently about future payoffs.

See the problem worked out using calculus

figure it out 12.2

Suppose that two motorcycle manufacturers, Honda and Suzuki, are considering offering 10-year full coverage warranties for their new motorcycles. Although the warranties are expensive to offer, it could be disastrous for one firm if it does not offer a warranty while its competitor does. Let’s assume the payoffs for the firms are as follows (profits are in millions of dollars, with Honda’s profits in red before the comma and Suzuki’s in blue after it):

  1. If the game is played once, what is the outcome?

  2. Suppose the game is repeated three times. Will the outcome change from your answer in (a)? Explain.

  3. Now, suppose the game is infinitely repeated and Suzuki and Honda have formed an agreement to not offer warranties to their customers. Each firm plans the use of a grim trigger strategy to encourage compliance with the agreement. At what level of d would Honda be indifferent about keeping the agreement versus cheating on it? Explain.



  1. We can use the check method to solve for the Nash equilibrium in a one-time game:


    The Nash equilibrium occurs when both firms offer a warranty. Note that this is not the best cooperative outcome for the game, but it is the only stable equilibrium.


  2. If the game is played for three periods, there would be no change in the players’ behavior. In the third period, both firms would offer warranties because that is the Nash equilibrium. Knowing this and using backward induction, players will opt to offer warranties in both the second and the first periods as well.

  3. Honda’s expected payoff from cheating and offering a warranty would be the 120 million from the first period (when cheating) and 20 million for each period after that (because Suzuki will also start offering warranties):

    Expected payoff from cheating = 120 + d × (20) + d2 × (20) + d3 × (20) + . . .

    Honda’s expected payoff from following the agreement is earning 50 million each period throughout time:

    Expected payoff from following agreement = 50 + d × (50) + d2 × (50) + d3 × (50) + . . .

    Therefore, Honda will be indifferent between these two options when the payoff streams are equal:

    120 + d × (20) + d2 × (20) + d3 × (20) + . . . = 50 + d × (50) + d2 × (50) + d3 × (50) + . . .

    d × (30) + d2 × (30) + d3 × (30) + . . . = 70


    Therefore, Honda will be indifferent between following the agreement or cheating if d = 0.7.

Multiple Equilibria in Infinitely Repeated Games The weird thing about infinitely repeated games is that there are usually a whole range of possible Nash equilibria. Suppose Warner Brothers and Disney are playing tit-for-tat strategies in the game above. We mentioned that following this strategy can sustain cooperation, period-after-period, in equilibrium. But suppose for some reason, every once in a while, one of the firms advertises. The competitors might go through a cycle of punishment as a result, but with tit-for-tat it’s possible that the two studios could return to cooperation afterward. Thus, an equilibrium with cooperation part of the time, but not all of the time, also exists. In fact, any outcome that is at least as good for the players as the one-shot cheating payoff has the potential to work as an equilibrium in this infinitely repeated game. The idea that many equilibria exist in repeated games and that anything that meets a minimum threshold could, in principle, work as a Nash equilibrium is known as the folk theorem. The folk theorem holds even in much more complicated games than we will cover in this book.