Level in Bloom’s taxonomy |
Sample key words in test questions for this level |
Sample test questions |
Knowledge |
In what year did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?
List the two dominant models of nursing care.
Comprehension |
Classify the following molecules based on their state (gas, liquid, or solid) at room temperature.
Describe the safety steps to be followed during arc welding.
Application |
Apply your knowledge of chemical compounds to identify the unknown white solid in your tray.
Use health education principles to develop a curriculum for middle school students.
Analysis |
Drawing on your understanding of Beowulf and King Lear, examine how the theme of heroism is treated in these two works.
Pick two criminal justice policy theories described in your book. Explain the assumptions each theory makes about the relationship between U.S. crime rates and the health of the nation’s economy.
Synthesis |
Using your understanding of motivation theory, propose a program that will help high school dropouts return to school.
Predict how U.S. fiscal policy might change if unemployment dropped below 5 percent and inflation increased.
Evaluation |
Based on your review of the evidence presented during the mock trial and your understanding of U.S. law, critique the defense’s argument.
Now that you’ve completed your reading for the term and conducted research in the community, give your opinion about the value of the arts in education.