Visual (V) |
Underline, highlight, or use other tactics to mark up printed course materials.
Draw pictures or diagrams in your notes to illustrate examples. Reference these images when you study.
Ask your instructor for copies of visually complex materials presented in class.
Aural (A) |
Study in groups, and discuss concepts with others.
Record lectures (with your instructor’s permission), and listen to them later.
Use word associations to learn terms, and repeat newly learned terms out loud.
Read-Write (R) |
Revise and reorganize your notes after every class to understand and remember concepts.
Find alternative written resources on a topic to supplement class-assigned reading.
Write out answers to possible test questions before taking exams.
Kinesthetic (K) |
Find hands-on ways to learn course content (such as trying computer simulations or conducting lab experiments).
Incorporate movement into your note taking by drawing charts or diagrams of important relationships covered in class.
Take breaks from studying and move around. Use the exercise to review or rehearse material that you’ve already learned.