In this chapter you learned about information literacy and communication skills. Revisit the following key points, and reflect on how you can use this information to support your success now and in the future.
Information literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, and communicate information through writing or speaking.
Information sources include books, journal articles, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, databases, and course reserves.
Critically evaluating the quality of information involves considering whether your source is credible, objective, and current.
Preparing to write includes clarifying your purpose, scheduling time for each step in the writing process, selecting a topic that interests you, using your information literacy skills to read and research, and creating an outline.
A well-written piece has a clear thesis, an engaging introduction, focused paragraphs with smooth transitions, and a strong conclusion. It also meets requirements for proper formatting and citations and is polished and free from grammatical errors.
Writing in college requires you to demonstrate your critical thinking skills by, for example, providing evidence, interpreting information, drawing conclusions, comparing and contrasting, and generating new ideas.
In your online classes, you can communicate effectively by keeping your blog posts professional and providing constructive comments on discussion boards.
Plagiarism occurs when one person takes credit for another person’s words or ideas, accidentally or deliberately. By citing sources and developing good research and writing habits, you can avoid plagiarism.
Creating a strong classroom presentation involves planning what you want to say, crafting the content, practicing thoroughly, and taking steps to prepare yourself the day of the presentation. In online classes, it also involves using technology tools such as videoconferencing.
Information literacy and communication skills can help you excel in your career by enabling you to “sell” yourself during the job-application process, work with information effectively on the job, and communicate your ideas.