Applying Your Skills


Respond to the following scenarios by using an “I” statement to convey your feelings, the situation’s impact on you, and your interest in arriving at a solution to the problem.

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  1. You’re working on a group project for class. You show up at the second group meeting with your part of the project complete. No one else has done any work yet. You feel angry and disappointed.

    Question 11.16

    “I” message:

  2. You like to bring your lunch to work, but the office refrigerator is disgusting! It’s full of forgotten leftovers and rotten fruit. You decide to say something to your coworkers.

    Question 11.17

    “I” message:

  3. You have a big test tomorrow and need to study. No one else in the house seems to care. The television is blaring, the phone keeps ringing, someone’s blasting a stereo, and the dog is scratching at the door to go outside.

    Question 11.18

    “I” message:

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