College Success = Career Success
Acknowledging the strengths you bring to college will lay the foundation for your success. These strengths will serve as a source of self-esteem, help you accomplish your academic goals, and provide you with ideas for career paths that might interest you. Moreover, knowing your strengths will help you write a résumé, interview effectively for jobs, and advance your career. Identify the strengths (skills, talents, and personal qualities) you already possess. Then describe how they will help you succeed in school and at work.
Hint: If you need help, search for examples of strengths on the Internet, or ask family, friends, and coworkers what they see as your strengths.
Skills: abilities you have become good at through practice (such as handling customer complaints or computer programming)
Talents: abilities that come easily or naturally for you (like drawing, math, or writing poetry)
Personal Qualities: adjectives describing your attitude, work style, work ethic, or ways of interacting with others (for instance, optimistic, friendly, and hardworking)
What strengths did you identify in Part 1? How will these strengths help you succeed in college?
How will these strengths help you succeed in your career?