Journal Entry


You’ll certainly have to think critically in college, but it’s also a vital skill in everyday life. One way to practice your critical thinking skills is to pay attention to how you think about the world around you. You probably don’t need to think critically about the things you do every day, such as eating breakfast or commuting. But some things do require much deeper thought — for instance, learning a new skill, taking a course about an unfamiliar subject, setting a goal, or making a decision.

  1. Describe something in the last six months that was challenging for you and required you to think critically. What approach did you take? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

  2. Were you able to maintain an open mind during the process, or did something get in the way (like strong feelings, ideas about how things should be, or difficult material)?

  3. Question 2.10

    Were you satisfied with the outcome of your thinking? Why or why not? If you could do it over, would you do anything differently? Explain.

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