Applying Your Skills
Your learning preferences are the ways you prefer to learn, but they aren’t the only ways you can learn. With some effort and practice, you can become a multimodal learner, which involves using many different strategies to learn.
Revisit the Use the VARK Model section, and review your score on the VARK. Which score was the highest? Are you more of a Visual (V), Aural (A), Read-Write (R), or Kinesthetic (K) learner? If your scores were high on two or more modes of learning, choose just one. Based on this preference, what are two strategies you can implement this week to enhance your learning? You can revisit Table 4.3 for ideas.
Which score on the VARK was the lowest? What are two learning strategies you could develop for your lowest-scoring VARK preference this week? Again, you can revisit Table 4.3 for ideas.
Now that you’ve identified strategies that interest you, use them during the week and reflect on your experience. Which strategies were most effective? What challenges did you encounter? Will you use these strategies regularly?