Adopting a Success Attitude
Motivation is a study aid: It can help you stay focused and accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. Your attitude can affect your level of motivation: When you feel negatively about a class, a test, or studying in general, you risk setting yourself up for failure. Select one class that you find particularly challenging; then respond to the following questions to adopt a more positive attitude toward studying for that class.
What long-term goals do you want to achieve by attending college? How will studying for this class help you achieve your goals?
What is one positive statement you can tell yourself over and over (a mantra) to get through this class?
What are some specific good things that will come from studying for this class? For example, what knowledge, abilities, attitudes, relationships, or study skills will you build as a result? How will these good things be useful in future classes or in your career?
In what ways are you in control over how and when you study for this class? What are the benefits of having this control?
What negative thoughts or beliefs do you have about studying for this class? Play devil’s advocate and challenge each thought or belief.