Study for Your Math, Science, and Online Classes

Math and science classes differ in some important ways from classes in other disciplines; for example, they emphasize solving problems. And online classes differ from traditional face-to-face classes; for instance, in online classes you can usually watch lectures or respond to discussion posts whenever you want. To learn and remember information effectively, adapt your study strategies and tools to the unique characteristics of these classes.

Math and Science Classes

Many of the study strategies you’ve already learned in this chapter can be used in all your courses, but several additional suggestions will be particularly helpful in your math and science classes.

  • Get plenty of practice solving problems. Complete all the problems in your textbook, even if your instructor doesn’t assign them, and do any problems provided by your instructor. If a study guide or a tutor gives you additional problems, solve those too. Many Web sites also offer practice math, physics, or chemistry problems. Your textbook may even come with access to such online practice problems (see Figure 8.4).

  • Check your answers when solving problems. Do your answers make sense? Are they what you expected? For example, if you’re calculating the amount of force acting on a moving object, it wouldn’t make sense to have a negative value as an answer. Testing yourself in this way can help you determine how well you understand the formula or equation featured in the problem. In addition, evaluate whether you’re making similar or repeated mistakes when you solve problems so that you have time to correct these mistakes before an exam.

  • Write down units when solving problems. As you work on a problem, make sure you’re using the correct units of measure. If your solution is supposed to be in hertz (Hz) and instead it’s in seconds, you know you’ve made a mistake. By making this a habit, you can catch a lot of simple mistakes.

  • Create lists of theorems, formulas, symbols, and vocabulary. Review these lists during your study time.

  • Explore Khan Academy ( This free, online resource provides brief lectures and demonstrations of many math and science concepts.

Figure 8.4: Solving Practice Problems Completing plenty of practice problems, like the ones shown here, is a great way to study for math and science classes. So try your hand at all the problems provided in your textbook — even those your instructor hasn’t assigned — and check out Web sites offering practice problems.
From COMAP, LaunchPad for For All Practical Purposes: Mathematical Literacy in Today’s World 9th ed. (New York: W. H. Freeman, 2015).



Your adviser, instructors, and the staff at the tutoring center are just a few of the many people on campus who can help you strengthen your study skills. Write down the office location, phone number, contact person, and Web site for two study resources on campus. How will you use these resources?

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Online Classes

Whether you’re studying for online classes or traditional face-to-face courses, most of the same techniques can help you master material in both environments. The following tips, though, are particularly useful in studying for online courses.

  • Study all class materials. In an online class, you may have to watch recorded instructor lectures or online videos. Add the notes you take during these lectures or videos to your study materials for the class.

  • Set up an online study group. Create an online discussion group with your classmates to share information or practice questions. Your online course-management system might offer videoconferencing so you can hold a virtual study group.

  • Explore online study resources at your school. Your school may have online tutors, extra recordings of lectures, or other resources specifically designed for students taking online classes. Investigate your options.

The Virtues of Virtual Study Groups. Are you taking an online class? If so, join an online study group. You can share insights and swap practice problems with other students. And if your course-management system offers videoconferencing, give it a try. Videoconference participants can see one another, making it even easier to communicate.
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