College Success = Career Success


This chapter described the importance of analyzing what went right and what went wrong after taking a test. At work, regularly evaluating your performance helps you identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals, make adjustments, and, ultimately, become a more effective, efficient, and valuable employee. In fact, you may be asked to provide a self-evaluation in a performance review or discuss your approach to self-evaluation in a job interview.

To practice self-evaluation, print out a copy of this chart and record a self-rating for each item using the scale provided.

Never Infrequently Sometimes Frequently Always
0 1 2 3 4
  1. ____ Attends class (in person or online)

  2. ____ Demonstrates positive attitude

  3. ____ Participates in class discussions

  4. ____ Completes assigned readings

  5. ____ Asks for help when necessary

  6. ____ Sticks to a study schedule

  7. ____ Is open to instructor feedback

  8. ____ Checks spelling on written assignments

  9. ____ Turns in homework on time

  10. ____ Takes the lead in small group discussions

Question 9.18

Choose two behaviors you rated lower than the others, and describe the steps you’ll take to increase your ratings in the next two weeks. Turn in this self-evaluation to your “supervisor” (your instructor) for feedback.

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